Neue GDI-Studie «Strategien im Umgang mit dem Arbeitskräftemangel» Arbeitskräftemangel allenthalben. Unternehmen lassen sich im Kampf um MitarbeiterInnen darum immer neue «Goodies» einfallen: Home Office, flexible Arbeitszeiten, Tischfussball, Gratis-Essen oder subve... Retail Society Jun 29, 2023
Pierre Chandon: Vom Essen als Kraftstoff zum Essen als Genuss Der Marketing-Experte Pierre Chandon fordert, dass die Lebensmittelindustrie ihr Verhalten ändern muss. «Statt sich wie die Energiebranche, zum Beispiel Öl und Gas, zu verhalten und darauf abzuzielen,... Food Jun 29, 2023
GDI-Podcast: Der Mensch als Teil der Biologie #2 Der Einfluss der Biotechnologie prägt das neue Zeitalter der Biologisierung. Nach umfangreichen Forschungsarbeiten befindet sich diese Technologie nun in einer aufregenden neuen Entwicklungsphase. Die... Sustainability Technology Jun 29, 2023
Trust as Stakeholder Glue GDI: Mr. Shriver, at GDI’s International Retail Summit you’ll be speaking about "shaping the 24/7 conversation". Don’t you need any sleep? David Shriver: You’ll be glad to know that I do get a good ni... Retail Jun 20, 2023
A copilot called ChatGPT GDI: Ms. Janik, in media, ChatGPT is all over the place. Is that more because this time a new technology is affecting the media people themselves, or do we really witness a revolution in society? Mari... Retail Technology Jun 7, 2023
Our daily personalised bread GDI: Ms. Bermingham, how can we find out which food suits us the most? By analyzing our DNA? By answering some dozens of food-related questions? By just eating what tastes us best? Or what else? Kate ... Food Health May 30, 2023
Is the department store of the future located in Madrid? Nearly a year ago, the innovative department store "Wow Concept" opened its doors for the first time on Gran Vía Boulevard in Madrid. Dimas Gimeno, the former president of El Corte Inglés, Europe's la... Retail May 22, 2023
GDI’s Head Think Tank: "In order to survive in retail, prioritising is key" For decades, the retail industry has been facing crisis, with globalisation and digitalisation significantly transforming the sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to extreme sales losses and insolven... Retail May 17, 2023
Epicurean Nudging: about smaller portions and more enjoyment at mealtimes What is "Epicurean Nudging"? "Epicurean Nudging" is based on the research on "nudges," for which Richard Thaler received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2017. The idea is not to force people into cert... Food Health Society May 15, 2023
Reality Check on Novel Food GDI: Mr. Filott, when we hear the word “geopolitics”, we usually think of national interests and global shifts, of arms and army and war –we don’t think of food. But that’s what you’ll be talking abou... Food Retail May 2, 2023
GDI-Podcast: Der Mensch als Teil der Biologie #1 Das neue Zeitalter der Biologisierung wird von der Biotechnologie geprägt. Nach intensiver Forschung steht die Technologie nun am Anfang einer neuen Entwicklungsstufe, was zu einem Anstieg im Tempo vo... Sustainability Technology Apr 14, 2023
What is digital solidarity? Where is the health care system in our society heading? How should and will we use data, and who determines the framework conditions? These questions are explosive. For what is at stake is nothing les... Health Society Apr 14, 2023