The Advisory Board advises the GDI on the choice of topics and speakers for its own annual events: International Retail Summit, European Trend Day and International Food Innovation Conference.

Advisory Board Retail

Michel Gruber
Michel Gruber
Head of Retail Department and Member of the Executive Board, Federation of Migros Cooperatives 
Dominique Locher
Dominique Locher
Entrepreneur, angel investor, innovator, Board member Swiss Retail Federation, former CEO, 

Simonetta Carbonaro
Prof. Simonetta Carbonaro
Professor of Humanistic Marketing and Design Management
Caroline Drucker
Caroline Drucker
Director of EMEA Strategic Partnerships, Instagram

Stephan Fetsch
Partner, Deal Advisory-Valuation, EMA Head of Retail, KPMG
Mariann Wenckheim
Mariann Wenckheim
Co-Active Leadership Coach for Entrepreneurs and Organisational and Relationship Coach 

Advisory Board General Trends

Prof. Dr. Dominique von Matt
Founder and Board Member, Jung von Matt/Limmat

Advisory Board Food

Urs Niggli
Former Director of the Forschungsinstitut for biologischen Landbau (FiBL), founder of
Matthew Robin
CEO, ELSA-Mifroma

Lee Howell
Executive Director, Villars Institute, Adjunct Visiting Professor University of Geneva, lecturer, University of St.Gallen
Björn Witte
Managing Director & CEO, 
Blue Horizon

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