Vegane Ernährung: Von Subkultur zum Supertrend? Strikt vegan ernähren sich zwar immer noch weniger als 1%, doch ihr Anteil steige stark an, meint GDI-Researcherin Christine Schäfer in der Sendung «SRF Puls» . Der Trend sei noch lange nicht vorbei. ... Food Health Society Sustainability Mar 3, 2023
Baubotanik: Von urbanen Wäldern und Baumhäusern Ferdinand Ludwig revolutioniert die Architekturwelt mit seinen hybriden Bauwerken, die aus lebenden Bäumen bestehen. Als Professor für Grüne Technologien und Landschaftsarchitektur an der Technischen ... Society Technology Feb 14, 2023
How information technology impacts the climate The climate impact of information and communication technology (ICT) has been the subject of numerous studies in recent years, often focusing on calculating the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of digit... Technology Feb 3, 2023
Nutrition and depression: new evidence "You are what you eat" - the aphorism attributed to the "gastrosopher" Brillat-Savarin has recently been further substantiated. Researchers have long suspected a connection between our diet and our me... Food Health Feb 3, 2023
Video: The Synthetic Kingdom Credits: Cath Elliot Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg is certain: the synthetic kingdom is part of our new nature. "How can we distinguish between natural and unnatural when synthetic biology creates life fro... Technology Feb 3, 2023
DNA data storage instead of server banks: a path to CO2 neutrality? In our connected world, we are constantly surrounded by data. We generate data, use it, and store it on an ever-increasing scale. This comes at a price: data storage could soon account for 20% of glob... Sustainability Technology Jan 31, 2023
«Veganuary»: Hype oder sinnvoller Verzicht? «Veganuary» ist ein Kofferwort aus «vegan» und «January» (Januar). Die gleichnamige Organisation in England rief die Kampagne 2014 ins Leben. Sie will Menschen dazu ermuntern, einen Monat lang vegane ... Food Health Sustainability Jan 19, 2023
Will this become the new agriculture? Conventional agriculture is increasingly criticised. Too much farming land, too much water consumption and too harmful pesticides. Three Israeli start-ups from the food tech scene want to take a compl... Food Sustainability Technology Jan 19, 2023
Letting nature just take its course? "Rewilding" is a term that only came into use a good ten years ago. But what does it actually mean? According to Frans Schepers, who was responsible for international nature conservation programmes at... Sustainability Jan 18, 2023
Arbeitspapier: Baustelle Demokratie Die Organisation Freedom House meldete 2022 zum 16. Mal in Folge einen Verlust von Demokratie weltweit. Demokratie ist unter Druck. Auch in der Schweiz gibt es mehr Handlungsbedarf, als wir uns einges... Society Technology Jan 13, 2023
Timeline: We Are at The Beginning of The Age of Biology The future economic system will be increasingly based on biology. Scientific advances promise unprecedented opportunities to increase food production, cure diseases, generate energy, purify water and ... Sustainability Technology Jan 6, 2023
What if we could talk to animals? The goals are ambitious. The non-profit Earth Species Project (ESP) wants to develop software that helps understand languages throughout the animal kingdom, regardless of species, from worms to whales... Sustainability Technology Jan 6, 2023