Will Mastodon and the Fediverse replace mainstream social media? In the wake of Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter and its turbulent course in recent weeks, many users are migrating to the microblogging service Mastodon. Between October and November 2022, the numbe... Technology Apr 14, 2023
Artificial intelligence supports human creativity A new Artikel im «Nature»-Magazin has shown that it is increasingly unlikely for new ideas to break with the past in a way that takes science and technology in a new direction. So we are becoming less... Technology Apr 14, 2023
Welcome to the Kindness Economy How can human kindness be combined with business? That is what Mary Portas asked herself. Portas was a board member at the British luxury department store chain Harvey Nichols . As she rose through th... Health Society Apr 12, 2023
«The great food gridlock»: Wie kommen wir raus aus dem Dilemma zwischen Preis, Gesundheit und Nachhaltigkeit? Play Wir befinden uns in einer Sackgasse. Unser Ernährungssystem ist für etwa einen Drittel aller Treibhausgasemissionen verantwortlich. Zudem stammen 50% aller weltweit konsumierten Kalorien von gera... Food Mar 30, 2023
Buying without checkout: How an Israeli start-up is transforming the customer experience Frictionless shopping is becoming more and more important. Grocery companies want to meet consumer expectations for customer convenience while keeping costs low and optimising inventory and supply cha... Retail Technology Mar 29, 2023
Inspired by Nature – Enabled by Science: The key points from the GDI Trend Day We are facing a new age, the age of biologization. Science is creating the basis for this next technology, for economy, society and nature. If you want to know where the age of biologization is taking... Society Sustainability Technology Mar 24, 2023
Tobias Rees: Why Nature Becomes The New Tech "Our modern concept of reality is based on the difference between nature, humans and technology. This has always been on shaky ground, because nature is in us and technology is in nature," says Tobias... Sustainability Technology Mar 24, 2023
Christina Agapakis: The real world of biotechnology In industry, there is still an oil-based logic and logistics. Synthetic biology, on the other hand, is very open to synthesising not only bioproducts but also technology and nature. What exactly is sy... Sustainability Technology Mar 24, 2023
Ferdinand Ludwig: "Whoever plants a tree is a visionary" "Tages-Anzeiger": Mr Ludwig, do you live in a house made of trees? Ferdinand Ludwig: No, I live quite classically, in a city flat in Munich. Of course, I dream of living in a living house. But at the ... Sustainability Mar 20, 2023
Frans Schepers: "We have lost trust in nature" "The idea of rewilding is ten to twelve years old. It is about a paradigm shift thinking to restore nature on a large scale," says Frans Schepers in a video interview with GDI. By removing dams and di... Sustainability Mar 20, 2023
Christina Agapakis: "Biology is the most important part of our lives" "Migros-Magazin": What is the process [of your work]?"Migros-Magazin": What is the process [of your work]? Christina Agapakis: For this, we treat DNA like a code that can be programmed. Every living b... Sustainability Technology Mar 20, 2023
"Anatomy of a Breakthrough" – or how to get unstuck Almost anyone can feel stuck in some way. Whether you're going through a midlife crisis, struggling with writer's block or trapped in a thankless job, your feelings are usually a mix of anxiety, insec... Society Mar 15, 2023