How food makes people mentally ill – or sane When they want to optimise their diet, most people are concerned with weight loss, fitness, heart health and longevity. But what we eat doesn't just affect our bodies, it also affects our brains. Rece... Food Health Jan 6, 2023
How bio fabrication helps save the environment The planet's raw materials are becoming scarcer, entire animal and plant species are dying. A rethinking is inevitable. But how? The bioeconomy could play an important role. In a video, Carole Collet,... Technology Jan 5, 2023
Artificial Intelligence: Curse or Blessing? Artificial intelligence is already helping in the development of new pharmaceuticals and therapies or in the design of new products. However, the algorithms do not achieve faster and better results al... Technology Dec 13, 2022
Karin Frick on the New Age of Biophilia We are observing a turning point: from the technological to the biotechnological age. In a video, Karin Frick, Principal Researcher at the GDI, explains why. Biology is becoming the new leading techno... Sustainability Technology Dec 5, 2022
The Protein Transformation: Which industries are affected? Die Proteinwende Play The Protein Transformation Play Animal proteins do not have to disappear completely from our diet to ensure a sustainable food system. There will continue to be wildlife populati... Food Health Sustainability Dec 5, 2022
Is Music Streaming a Climate Killer? Digital products and services are an essential part of all areas of life and have gained a lot of popularity during the pandemic. Video conferencing, home delivery and streaming of films and music hav... Technology Dec 5, 2022
Warum die Digitalisierung dem Klima auch schadet Das Essay erschien ursprünglich in der «SonntagsZeitung» vom 30.10.2022. Grosse IT-Unternehmen brüsten sich gern damit, dass sie ihre Dienste klimafreundlich bereitstellen. Google gibt zum Beispiel an... Sustainability Technology Nov 25, 2022
Warum auf das Zeitalter der Technologie das Zeitalter der Biologie folgt Die vergangenen Jahrzehnte waren geprägt von einem immer rasanteren technologischen Wandel. Vom ersten Computer über das Smartphone bis hin zu Quantencomputer und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Es schienen ... Society Sustainability Technology Nov 25, 2022
Is Solar Punk Our Future? Solar punks could be described as the radically optimistic version of the climate youth. They envision a future in which people have overcome the great ecological and social crises of our time and cre... Sustainability Technology Nov 25, 2022
Multicoloured turds and feet bacteria: how synthetic biology is making us think differently It was at a genetic engineering competition more than ten years ago that Christina Agapakis met the British artist and designer Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg. In the Cambridge researcher’s hands: a suitcas... Technology Nov 10, 2022
GDI-Podcast: Wie sich die Grenzen verschieben – im Handel und darüber hinaus Warum erleben wir die turbulenteste Zeit unseres Lebens, eine Zeit aussergewöhnlicher Ungewissheit? Ian Goldin, Professor für Globalisierung und Entwicklung an der Uni Oxford, meint dazu: Mehr und meh... Retail Nov 10, 2022
Johannes Bauer is the GDI’s new research director As of 1 November 2022, Dr Johannes C. Bauer will head the research department of the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute as a member of the Executive Board. Bauer holds a doctorate in behavioural science. I... Retail Nov 10, 2022