Warum auf das Zeitalter der Technologie das Zeitalter der Biologie folgt Die vergangenen Jahrzehnte waren geprägt von einem immer rasanteren technologischen Wandel. Vom ersten Computer über das Smartphone bis hin zu Quantencomputer und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Es schienen ... Society Sustainability Technology Nov 25, 2022
Is Solar Punk Our Future? Solar punks could be described as the radically optimistic version of the climate youth. They envision a future in which people have overcome the great ecological and social crises of our time and cre... Sustainability Technology Nov 25, 2022
Multicoloured turds and feet bacteria: how synthetic biology is making us think differently It was at a genetic engineering competition more than ten years ago that Christina Agapakis met the British artist and designer Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg. In the Cambridge researcher’s hands: a suitcas... Technology Nov 10, 2022
Artificial yet creative? How AI can support the development of new ideas Studies show that less innovative and groundbreaking ideas have been proposed, despite increased research spending. The great hope for reaccelerating the pace of innovation lies in artificial intellig... Technology Oct 28, 2022
James Bridle: "Slime moulds are more efficient than humans or machines". In recent years, Artificial Intelligence has made rapid progress. At the same time, however, we have become more aware of other forms of intelligence: namely, that of animals, plants or natural system... Technology Oct 28, 2022
Metaverse – Facts and Myths: A panel discussion with Richard Hobbs and Jeff Carvalho "Metaverse" is the buzzword of the hour. With it come great promises and expectations but also uncertainty. Especially in retail, the fear of possibly missing out on something very important is rampan... Retail Technology Sep 29, 2022
«Das Smartphone wird verschwinden» Der nachfolgende Text erschien ursprünglich auf raiffeisen.ch . Was ist die Digitalisierung – Fluch oder Segen? Karin Frick: Ganz klar ein Segen. Die Pandemie hätten wir ohne die Digitalisierung niema... Technology Sep 29, 2022
GDI-Podcast: Wir brauen die Zukunft der Ernährung Plant-based Food ist angekommen, unzählige Unternehmen engagieren sich bereits mit dieser Herstellmethode, Qualität und Vielfalt steigen. Noch nicht alltäglich ist hingegen die zellbasierte Lebensmitt... Food Technology Sep 16, 2022
Green cities thanks to technology? Urbanisation and digitisation are two of the most important phenomena of our time: Half of the world's population now lives in cities, and half of the world's population is connected to the Internet. ... Society Technology Sep 2, 2022
Marcus du Sautoy: "AI helps people to see things in a different way" In his book “The Creativity Code”, Marcus du Sautoy examines the importance of creativity and how artificial intelligence can enrich us. But can machine-learning algorithms be creative at all? Accordi... Technology Sep 2, 2022
GDI-Podcast: Wie künstliche Intelligenz menschliche Innovation beschleunigt Zwar besteht oft Einigkeit darüber, dass die KI-Technologie eine dertransformativsten Erfindungen in der Geschichte der Technologie, ja vielleicht in der Geschichte der Menschheit ist. Aber Ihre disru... Technology Aug 18, 2022
Pierre Barreau: “AI makes music creation more accessible” – video interview Pierre Barreau’s team creates Artificial Intelligence that writes music – such as for soundtracks, films, and video games. “There are two ways to create music with Aiva. The first one is by providing ... Technology Aug 18, 2022