5th International Food Innovation Conference
19 June 2025
Beyond Nutrition
The Convergence of Food, Health, and Beauty
Unlike food, where we are limited by satiety, the pursuit of well-being is limitless. New scientific findings on the interactions between nutrition, beauty and holistic health are driving the convergence of traditionally isolated industries. A new, dynamic ecosystem with enormous growth potential is emerging at this interface.
The 5th International Food Innovation Conference will shed light on the rise of this integrated wellbeing market: from functional foods and science-based beauty products to personalised prevention concepts, food, healthcare and beauty are merging to create a new billion-dollar market. This transformation, driven by the latest research findings and technological innovations, is creating completely new value networks and offering companies unique opportunities to position themselves in this growth market.
Experience how leading scientists, entrepreneurs and thought leaders are shaping this development and discuss the following questions:
- How can food innovations promote healthy ageing and deliver on the longevity promise?
- How does microbiome analysis enable personalised health solutions?
- How can upcycling of food by-products open up new beauty markets?
- How are digital technologies creating holistic health experiences?
- How are traditional distribution channels (e.g. supermarkets) becoming integrated wellbeing centres?
The conference is aimed at decision-makers from the food and beauty industry, retail, drugstores, pharmacies, hotels and healthcare who want to utilise the opportunities of this convergence for their business. Discover the future of a market whose growth potential is only just beginning to unfold - and find out how your company can benefit from this transformation.
The International Food Innovation Conference will take place in German and in English (simultaneous translation).
Hashtag: #foodinno25
The list of speakers will be updated continuously.
Judith Williams is one of Europe’s most successful entrepreneurs and a leading figure in the beauty industry. As the founder of Judith Williams Cosmetics, she has built a brand that combines science and nature, inspiring millions to feel comfortable in their skin. Known from the hit VOX show “Die Höhle der Löwen” (the German version of Shark Tank/Dragon’s Den), she shares her expertise as an investor and mentor to support innovative ideas. Her career is defined by passion, authenticity, and a deep commitment to empowering people to reach their full potential.
Michalyn Andrews is the CEO and co-founder of Provenance Bio, a leader in alternative proteins. Provenance develops animal-free collagen for food, beauty, pharmaceuticals, therapeutics, and materials, along with bioleather and gelatin. A former fashion designer, Michalyn launched Provenance in 2016 to create ethical, high-quality alternatives to animal-based products. She also co-founded Lighthouse Technology Group, specializing in smart vehicle communication.
Marcin Koziorowski is the CEO and Co-Founder of EcoBean, a Polish company dedicated to the circular economy. Under his leadership, EcoBean has developed technology that transforms spent coffee grounds into five valuable fractions: coffee oil, antioxidants, polylactide (PLA), lignin, and protein additives. These products are utilized in the food, feed, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, and packaging industries. With over 10 years of experience bridging science and business, Koziorowski is an expert in technology transfer and sustainable innovations.
Björn Örvar is the co-founder, Chief Scientific Officer, and EVP of Business Development of ORF Genetics. He has been leading the development of human and animal growth factors from barley for the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries, including cell-based food production. He also played a key role in launching BIOEFFECT, an award-winning skincare brand. Björn holds a Ph.D. in Plant Molecular Genetics from the University of British Columbia and conducted research at McGill University, Montréal.
Christine Schäfer ist Senior Researcher und Referentin am GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut und analysiert gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und technologische Veränderungen mit den Schwerpunkten Food, Konsum und Handel.

Florian Inhauser
Journalist and moderator
Florian Inhauser is a journalist and moderator. Hepresents the main newscast at Swiss Broadcasting Corporation, SRF and he is also the anchor of the foreign news magazine «#SRFglobal». With a master in history and anglistics he speaks English fluently. He has also an excellent reputation as an international correspondent, covering conflicts and crises around the globe.
The programme will be updated continuously.
Welcome coffee
Thursday, 19 June 2025
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
Langhaldenstrasse 21
8803 Rüschlikon, Schweiz
German and English, with simultaneous interpretation
Programme changes
The programme is subject to change. Should an event not take place, the participation fee will be refunded. Further claims are ruled out.
If you are unable to attend, please cancel your registration in writing. The participation fee will be refunded up to thirty days before the event. After that and up to five full working days before the event, we will charge 75%, and for cancellations after that we will charge the full amount. A substitute participant is always welcome.
Hotel reservation
To benefit from special rates at our partner hotels, please mention the code IFIC2024 when booking your room.
Hotel Sedartis, Thalwil: info@sedartis.ch
Hotel Belvoir, Rüschlikon: info@hotel-belvoir.ch
From Zurich Airport
A taxi will take you to the GDI and the partner hotels in around 45 minutes at around CHF 100, depending on traffic. The S-Bahn will take you quickly and conveniently to Zurich and Thalwil station.
From Thalwil train station
A free shuttle bus is available for transfers between Thalwil train station / Hotel Sedartis and the GDI. It waits on the lake side of the station. A member of staff will welcome you on the spot.
Thalwil train station – GDI: 08.00 – 08.45, every 15 minutes
GDI – Thalwil train station: 17.15 – 19.00, every 15 minutes
The Hotel Belvoir is within walking distance of the GDI.
The parking deck is located a five-minute walk from the GDI at Zürcherstrasse 4, 8803 Rüschlikon. You can obtain a free exit ticket at the GDI.
Image and video recording
Please note that images and video recordings will be made during the event, and may be published permanently on the Internet after the event. You consent with this procedure by participating in the event.
About the International Food Innovation Conference
The International Food Innovation Conference is an annual event on the future of food. It covers both technological and social changes in the food ecosystem. The aim is to place current trends in an overarching context and to develop long-term perspectives for all stakeholders involved. Under the overarching theme of "Building a sustainable food system", the all-day conference brings together thought leaders, experts and start-ups.
Participants are decision-makers from the food industry and related sectors, entrepreneurs, academics and journalists from Swiss and European quality media.

Knapp 25 % der Teilnehmer*innen sind Geschäftsführer*innen.

99 % der Teilnehmer*innen bewerteten das Konferenzerlebnis mit sehr gut oder gut.

Almost 25 % of the participants are CEOs.

99 % of the participants rated the overall conference experience as excellent or good.
Past conferences
Advisory Board

Urs Niggli
Former Director General of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Frick, Switzerland. Niggli is a Swiss agricultural scientist and pioneer of organic agriculture. Under his 30 year leadership, FiBL has developed into one of the world's leading research institutes. He is also the founder of agroecology.science, a consulting company for sustainability and organic farming.

Matthew Robin
CEO of ELSA-Mifroma, a group of six food companies in Migros Industry. Robin has pioneered Migros strategy, investments and activities in the cultured meat area. Educated in England as a chemical engineer, he pursued a career in Switzerland and the USA in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and medtech area, before moving to the food sector.

Lee Howell
Executive Director, Villars Institute. Howell was the Managing Director at the World Economic Forum (WEF) responsible for its Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland from 2009 until 2021 and the Editor-in-Chief of its Global Risks Report (2012 & 2013). He is also a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Geneva's School of Economics and Management (GSEM) and a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen’s CEMS program.

Björn Witte
Managing Partner & CEO, Blue Horizon. The company invests in a new sustainable food system, with an end-to-end approach that extends beyond alternative proteins – starting with better crop practices right through to sustainable packaging and smarter distribution. Witte is Blue Horizons strategic thinker and deal maker with a strong background in transforming the food industries as an entrepreneur in international markets.
Vollpreis: 1200 CHF
20 % Early-Bird-Rabatt bis 5. Mai 2023: 960 CHF
Preis für Start-ups: 490 CHF (Rabattcode auf Anfrage: foodinnovation(at)gdi.ch)
Die Teilnahmegebühr ist im Voraus zu bezahlen. Im Preis inbegriffen sind alle Speisen und Getränke. Kurzfristige Anmeldungen (später als zwei Wochen vor dem Anlass) können nur mit Kreditkarte bezahlt werden.
About the International Food Innovation Conference
The International Food Innovation Conference is an annual event on the future of food. It covers both technological and social changes in the food ecosystem. The aim is to place current trends in an overarching context and to develop long-term perspectives for all stakeholders involved. Under the overarching theme of "Building a sustainable food system", the all-day conference brings together thought leaders, experts and start-ups.
Referenten und Referentinnen
An der Konferenz nehmen teil: Entscheidungsträgerinnen aus der Lebensmittelindustrie und verwandten Branchen, Unternehmer, Akademikerinnen und Journalisten von Schweizer und europäischen Qualitätsmedien.

Knapp 25 % der Teilnehmer*innen sind Geschäftsführer*innen.

99 % der Teilnehmer*innen bewerteten das Konferenzerlebnis mit sehr gut oder gut.

Almost 25 % of the participants are CEOs.

99 % of the participants rated the overall conference experience as excellent or good.
Past conferences
Advisory Board

Urs Niggli
Former Director General of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Frick, Switzerland. Niggli is a Swiss agricultural scientist and pioneer of organic agriculture. Under his 30 year leadership, FiBL has developed into one of the world's leading research institutes. He is also the founder of agroecology.science, a consulting company for sustainability and organic farming.

Matthew Robin
CEO of ELSA-Mifroma, a group of six food companies in Migros Industry. Robin has pioneered Migros strategy, investments and activities in the cultured meat area. Educated in England as a chemical engineer, he pursued a career in Switzerland and the USA in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and medtech area, before moving to the food sector.

Lee Howell
Executive Director, Villars Institute. Howell was the Managing Director at the World Economic Forum (WEF) responsible for its Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland from 2009 until 2021 and the Editor-in-Chief of its Global Risks Report (2012 & 2013). He is also a Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Geneva's School of Economics and Management (GSEM) and a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen’s CEMS program.

Björn Witte
Managing Partner & CEO, Blue Horizon. The company invests in a new sustainable food system, with an end-to-end approach that extends beyond alternative proteins – starting with better crop practices right through to sustainable packaging and smarter distribution. Witte is Blue Horizons strategic thinker and deal maker with a strong background in transforming the food industries as an entrepreneur in international markets.
3rd International Food Innovation Conference
Sehen Sie alle Bilder der Tagung in unserer Bildergalerie.
Die Liste der ReferentInnen folgt in Kürze.
Das Programm folgt in Kürze.
21. Juni 2023
Änderungen bleiben vorbehalten. Sollte ein Anlass nicht stattfinden, wird die Teilnahmegebühr zurückerstattet. Weitere Ansprüche können nicht geltend gemacht werden.
Sollten Sie verhindert sein, melden Sie sich bitte schriftlich ab. Bis dreissig Tage vor der Veranstaltung erhalten Sie die Teilnahmegebühr zurück. Danach und bis zu fünf vollen Arbeitstagen vor dem Anlass stellen wir 75% in Rechnung, bei späteren Absagen verrechnen wir den vollen Betrag. Ein/e Ersatzteilnehmer/in ist in jedem Fall willkommen.
Die Preisübersicht folgt in Kürze.
Weitere Informationen werden zeitnah veröffentlicht
About the International Food Innovation Conference
Die International Food Innovation Conference ist eine jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung zur Zukunft der Ernährung. Sie umfasst sowohl technologische als auch gesellschaftliche Veränderungen im Ökosystem der Ernährung. Ziel ist es, aktuelle Trends in einen übergeordneten Kontext zu stellen und langfristige Perspektiven für alle beteiligten Akteure zu entwickeln.
Unter dem übergreifenden Thema «Der Aufbau eines nachhaltigen Food-Systems», bringt die ganztägige Konferenz Vordenker, Experten und Startups zusammen. TeilnehmerInnen sind EntscheidungsträgerInnen aus der Lebensmittelindustrie und verwandten Branchen, UnternehmerInnen, AkademikerInnen und JournalistenInnen von Schweizer und europäischen Qualitätsmedien.
About the International Food Innovation Conference
Die International Food Innovation Conference ist eine jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung zur Zukunft der Ernährung. Sie umfasst sowohl technologische als auch gesellschaftliche Veränderungen im Ökosystem der Ernährung. Ziel ist es, aktuelle Trends in einen übergeordneten Kontext zu stellen und langfristige Perspektiven für alle beteiligten Akteure zu entwickeln.
Unter dem übergreifenden Thema «Der Aufbau eines nachhaltigen Food-Systems», bringt die ganztägige Konferenz Vordenker, Experten und Startups zusammen. TeilnehmerInnen sind EntscheidungsträgerInnen aus der Lebensmittelindustrie und verwandten Branchen, UnternehmerInnen, AkademikerInnen und JournalistenInnen von Schweizer und europäischen Qualitätsmedien.
Past conferences
Advisory Board

Urs Niggli
Former Director General of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Frick, Switzerland. Niggli is a Swiss agricultural scientist and pioneer of organic agriculture. Under his 30 year leadership, FiBL has developed into one of the world's leading research institutes. He is also the founder of agroecology.science, a consulting company for sustainability and organic farming.

Matthew Robin
CEO of ELSA-Mifroma, a group of six food companies in Migros Industry. Robin has pioneered Migros strategy, investments and activities in the cultured meat area. Educated in England as a chemical engineer, he pursued a career in Switzerland and the USA in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and medtech area, before moving to the food sector.

Lee Howell
Ausserordentlicher Gastprofessor an der Universität Genf, wo er zwei neue Kurse über die vierte industrielle Revolution und über disruptive Technologien unterrichtet. Howell ist zudem Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität St. Gallen. Er ist Mitglied des Vorstands der EAT Foundation, einer wissenschaftsbasierten globalen Plattform für die Transformation des Lebensmittelsystems. Von 2009 bis 2021 war Howell als Geschäftsführer des Weltwirtschaftsforums für dessen Jahrestagung in Davos verantwortlich. Er gründet das Villars Institute, das die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Generationen fördern wird, um den Übergang zu einer Netto-Null-Wirtschaft zu beschleunigen und die Gesundheit unseres Planeten wiederherzustellen.

Björn Witte
Geschäftsführer & CEO, Blue Horizon. Die Firma investiert in ein neues nachhaltiges Nahrungsmittelsystem mit einem durchgängigen Ansatz, der über alternative Proteine hinausgeht – angefangen bei besseren Anbaumethoden bis hin zu nachhaltiger Verpackung und intelligenterem Vertrieb. Witte ist der strategische Denker und Macher von Blue Horizon, der als Unternehmer auf den internationalen Märkten die Lebensmittelindustrie verändert hat
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon