Self-regulation: the key to success

If we want to exercise more, eat healthier, spend less time watching Netflix, self-regulation is crucial. This ability also depends on our social environment and our economic security, as the GDI study "Prevention in Transition" shows.
14 October, 2021 by
Selbstregulation: Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute

The following text is an excerpt from the GDI study “Prevention in Transition”, that can be downloaded from our website.

The pandemic has primarily disrupted existing habits. For the most part, this has been in a way  detrimental to health, as the behaviours con- cerned are those where an unhealthy change is  easier. It is easier to stop jogging than to take it up. Negative change, therefore, is often more a drifting off than a conscious decision. Yet, as we have seen, disruption need not only be negative. But it takes more conscious co-ordination to make positive changes to habits or just to maintain habits despite drastic disruptions. This is  where the aforementioned favourable factors such as social integration, mental health, or prosperity come in.

While each favourable factor has its own unique effect on the resilience of habits, there is some overlap. They are all linked to the ability of self-control and self-regulation. This is the ability to consciously control and reflect on one’s own behaviour and to plan it in the long term, rather than to act only on short-term impulses. For all favourable factors, research has shown a link to self-regulation:

What, then, does it mean that self-regulation is a crucial factor? Can it be promoted? Learn more from the GDI study "Prevention in Transition":

Prevention in Transition study

Study, 2021 (free download)

Languages: German, English
Format: PDF
Commissioned by: Curaden

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