MA, Senior Researcher
Detlef Gürtler is Senior Researcher at the GDI. Until 2016 he was editor-in-chief of the GDI Impuls magazine published by the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute. Gürtler analyses social changes with a focus on work, economics and finance.
Detlef Gürtler is a Senior Researcher at the GDI. From September 2008 to December 2016, Gürtler was editor-in-chief of the magazine GDI Impuls. After studying political science and economics in Heidelberg, he graduated from the Henri Nannen School of Journalism in 1989 and has since worked as a business journalist. His publications include the successful business non-fiction books "Die Dagoberts" (Eichborn 2004), "Die Tagesschau erklärt die Wirtschaft" (Rowohlt Berlin, 2008) and "Entschuldigung! Ich bin deutsch" (Murmann, 2011).
- Prevention in Transition. Stable Routines in unstable times, Authors: Jakub Samochowiec, Marta Kwiatkowski, Detlef Gürtler, commissioned by Curaden, 2021.
- Globale Konsumproteste. Rebellion zwischen Hoffnung und Hype, authors: Christine Schäfer, Karin Frick, Detlef Gürtler, GDI study no. 49, 2020.
- A New World Of Energy. From Scarcity to Abundance, authors: Stefan Breit, Venkatesh Rao, Detlef Gürtler, study commissioned by Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE, 2018.
- Microliving. Urbanes Wohnen im 21. Jahrhundert, authors: Stefan Breit, Detlef Gürtler, study commissioned by iLive, 2018.
- Take Care. Der Mensch emanzipiert sich vom Betreuungssystem. Das wird die Pflegebranche revolutionieren, authors: Detlef Gürtler, Christine Schäfer, Stefan Breit, study commissioned by Senesuisse, 2018.
- Die Zukunft der Führung. S tudy commissioned by SIB Schweizerisches Institut für Betriebsökonomie, 2013.
- iNvest. Geldanlage im Zeitalter der Individualisierung, study commissioned by «Investmentfonds. Nur für alle», 2012.
- Die Zukunft des Arbeitens, authors: Karin Frick, Detlef Gürtler, study commissioned by Stiftung Produktive Schweiz, 2010.
- GDI Impuls, issues 04/2008-04/2016
- Workstyle: Die Zukunft des Arbeitens
- Geld-Trends: Die Zukunft der Währungen
- iNvest: Die Zukunft des Sparens
- Demografie: Die Gesellschaft des langen Lebens
- Sharity: Die Zukunft des Teilens
Detlef Gürtler Biography
Please use the following copyright: GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, photographer: Sandra Blaser