European Trend Day
The Cult of Social - Why relationships are the new currency
8th European Trend Day in collaboration with the 16th German Trend Day
The Cult of Social - Why relationships are the new currency
Social media, social shopping, social objects, social everything: a wave of “social” is sweeping over us, and few people as yet grasp its implications. Thanks to Facebook, Groupon or Google, customers are increasingly making their decisions on a linked-up basis. Man is, after all, a social animal, and a consumer joy shared is a joy doubled – it’s called “sociopleasure”. The new networks are creating a relationship economy in which social added value is more important than products, and social capital more important than financial capital.
At the 8th European Trend Day the following are some of the questions we'll be discussing
- Who is successful in the new social business?
- How do we create social added value?
- What else will customers share in the future?
- When does a product have linking value?
- How many friends do we need?

Azeem Azhar
Great Britain
Entrepreneur and investor. The former journalist is now CEO of Peer-Index, a company that analyses information from the social web and calculates an influence index that reveals a person’s social capital.

John Bielenberg
Designer and co-founder of Common, a network of creatives aiming to transform capitalism. Common is a collaborative brand for accelerating positive social change. Bielenberg has won more than 250 design awards.

Norbert Bolz
Professor of Media Studies at the Technical University of Berlin, zeitgeistphilosopher and trend analyst. Bolz is an important thinker on cultural development and author of numerous publications on media, marketing and communication.

Stefana Broadbent
Great Britain
Digital ethnographer and senior lecturer at University College in London. From 2004 to 2008, Broadbent headed Swisscom’s “Observatory of Digital Life”, which provides the telecom company with strategic advice in the media convergence field.

Laurens Bushoff
CEO and founder of, where friends can counsel and shop together. For suppliers, the platform works as a virtual shop window. The former IT consultant wants to take his platform to the top of the fashion community.

Gregory Gerhardt
Founder and CEO of Amazee Labs, the web agency that launched, one of the first online platforms for social collaboration. The first mover received a Swiss ICT Award in 2009. Gerhardt will explain why, in spite of its success, he has shut down the platform.

Micki Krimmel
Social media advisor and founder of The online platform enables neighbours to share things – not everybody needs a power drill of their own, right? Currently friends and neighbours are sharing goods worth four million dollars.

Sean Moffitt
Managing Director and President of Agent Wildfire Strategy & Communications Inc., a customer engagement consultancy based out of Toronto, Canada. Author of the 2011 award-winning book «Wikibrands – Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace».

Maximilian Neuhaus
CEO of myTaxi in Switzerland. This start-up is the provider of the innovative taxi-booking system myTaxi, which enables taxis to be called by app. Within a short time myTaxi has become Europe's largest taxi marketplace.

Björn Schäfers
is CEO of, the biggest german product search machine for fashion, living and lifestyle. The independant product search uses social-shopping- and personlisation-components to put together individual and suitable product recommendations for their customers.

Peter Wippermann
Founder of Trendbüro, Hamburg. Peter Wippermann was a Professor of Communication Design at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, he is a specialist in trend-based brand management, and the author of numerous publications.

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart was CEO of the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for consumption, economic and social studies from 1999 to 2020. Since 2020 he has been President of the G. and A. Duttweiler Foundation.

Mauro Guarise
Online editor at GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute. The graduate in literature studies has worked as a journalist and sings on-stage in his free time. He will guide you through the programme.
Welcome coffee
The new social-ism
• David Bosshart (CH)
• Social software: from competitive advantage to collaborative advantage
• Peter Wippermann (D)
• Trust design: values replace aesthetics
Success in social business
• Björn Schäfers (D)
• Right in the middle instead of just being present - opportunities and risks for the trade through social networking
• Laurens Bushoff (NL)
• Social Online-Shopping: Shopping with Friends
• In conversation with Mauro Guarise
Social media
• Stefana Broadbent (UK)
• Only you: why we have few friends in social media
Die besten Ideen
• Maximilian Neuhaus
• Appfahren: Eine Revolution auf dem Taximarkt
• Im Gespräch mit Mauro Guarise
• Micki Krimmel (USA)
• Leihen statt kaufen: Collaborative Consumption mit Nachbarn und Freunden
• Im Gespräch mit Mauro Guarise
• Azeem Azhar (UK)
• Soziales Kapital: Weshalb ein guter Ruf Geld wert ist
• Im Gespräch mit Mauro Guarise
Social added value
• Norbert Bolz (D)
• Sociopleasure: a consumer joy shared is a joy doubled
Strong together
• John Bielenberg (USA)
• Collaborative business: save the world and have fun!
• Gregory Gerhardt (CH)
• Social collaboration: basic rules for a community platform
• In conversation with Mauro Guarise
Marketing +1
• Sean Moffitt (USA)
• Wikibrands: why you need to reinvent your company
• David Bosshart (CH) and Peter Wippermann (D)
from 17.20
Shuttle transfer
Networking Apéro
14 March 2012
German/English (simultaneous translation)
Changes to the programme
The programme is subject to change. If an event does not take place, fees will be refunded. Further claims are ruled out.
Cancellation If you are unable to attend, please let us have your cancellation in writing. The fee will be reimbursed on cancellation up to thirty days before the event. After this term and until five full working days prior to the event we will charge 75% of the fee. In the event of later cancellations we will charge the full participation fee. Substitute participants welcome.
Hotel reservation
To profit from the special pricings, please use the following email adresses and refer to the following code: ETD 2012
Hotel Belvoir, Rüschlikon info(at)
Hotel Sedartis, Thalwil info(at)
Hotel Alexander, Thalwil info(at)
There will be a free shuttle bus service between the GDI and the hotels Sedartis and Alexander in Thalwil as well as Belvoir in Rüschlikon.
CHF 1200.-
The fee has to be paid in advance. The conference fee includes all food and beverages (including VAT). Participants registering less than two weeks before the event can pay by credit card only.
Über den Europäischen Trendtag
Der Europäische Trendtag ist eine Konferenz zu Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft. Mit wechselndem Fokus-Thema werden technologische Innovationen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft diskutiert. Die Referenten erkunden neue Möglichkeitsräume des heute noch Undenkbaren und Unvorstellbaren. Teilnehmende sind Führungskräfte aus Marketing, Handel und Beratung sowie Unternehmer, Akademiker und Journalisten von Qualitätsmedien.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board

Peter Wippermann
Gründer des Trendbüros in Hamburg. Wippermann war Professor für Kommunikationsdesign an der Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Spezialist für trendgestützte Markenführung und ist Autor zahlreicher Publikationen.

Norbert Bolz
Professor für Medienwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Zeitgeistphilosoph und Trendanalytiker. Bolz ist ein wichtiger Denker über die kulturelle Entwicklung und Autor zahlreicher Publikationen zu Medien, Marketing und Kommunikation.

Karin Frick
Karin Frick ist Leiterin Research und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung. Die Ökonomin analysiert Trends und Gegentrends in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Konsum und referiert zu diesen Themen regelmässig auf Tagungen und Kongressen.

Dominique von Matt
Gründer und Präsident des Verwaltungsrates der Kommunikationsagentur Jung von Matt/Limmat. Von Matt ist Honorarprofessor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität St. Gallen.

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart war von 1999 bis 2020 CEO des Gottlieb Duttweiler Instituts in Rüschlikon, Zürich. Seit 2020 ist er Präsident der G. und A. Duttweiler-Stiftung.
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon