6th European Consumer Trend Conference
FREECONOMY: How the Radical Price Revolution is Changing People
FREECONOMY: How the Radical Price Revolution is Changing People
It won’t be long before almost everything’s available for free: information, travel, even food – “unselling”. The for-free mentality of the virtual markets is dramatically influencing the way we behave. A revolution is in the making, and no sector is immune to it. This is because “free” is more than just a new business model, it’s a new way of thinking and living.
Everything from travelling and communication to fashion and food has become cheaper for the younger generations, and for the even younger – the “digital natives” – “for free” is now becoming the norm. The relationship between free and cheap, expensive and unaffordable, is being redefined. Giving is suddenly not just better than taking – it’s also more lucrative. If we want to retain control of the market, we have to give away our products for nothing. But which business models and ideas are we to use?
But who are the new providers and which cartels and barriers will be the next to fall? What do consumers want and what’s going to happen to brands? What’s the new currency called and how can we still earn money in the “freeconomy”? And where are the trend‘s limits? Come and listen to proven experts discussing possible answers to these questions at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI)!

James Cherkoff
Great Britain
British media and marketing expert. His company, Collaborate Marketing, advises companies on how to benefit from the new opportunities in the networked media environment. James Cherkoff is regarded as a thought leader by specialists in his field, and his Modern Marketing blog receives widespread international attention.

Douglas Rushkoff
Douglas Rushkoff is the author of more than a dozen bestselling books on the media, technology and culture, including his most recent “Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now.” Other titles include “Program or Be Programmed”, “Media Virus”, “Life Inc.” and a novel, “Ecstasy Club.” He lives in New York City where he is Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at CUNY/Queens. Douglas is a frequent lecturer on media, society and economics around the world.

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart was CEO of the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for consumption, economic and social studies from 1999 to 2020. Since 2020 he has been President of the G. and A. Duttweiler Foundation.

Christoph Keese
As President Public Affairs at Axel Springer, Christoph Keese is rather like a foreign minister for one of Europe's largest media groups. The economist was formerly editor-in-chief of the Sunday newspaper “Welt am Sonntag” and the “Financial Times Deutschland”.

Morten Lund
The investment in Skype made the dynamic young entrepreneur from Copenhagen famous. The high-tech visionary and investor has founded and invested in countless other start-ups. He teaches at the University of Reykjavik and is a special member of Bill Clinton's Global Initiative.

Bre Pettis
Co-founder of NYCResistor, a New York hacker and artist collective. The open-source activist, teacher and media artist is also an entrepreneur and inventor. He created the MakerBot, a robot that prints physical objects in 3D from digitized ideas.

Andreas Schönenberger
As Country Manager, Andreas Schönenberger has headed up Google in Switzerland since 2006. He had previously been vice-president at the Monitor Group consultancy. Earlier stops in his career included Boston Consulting Group and ABB. Andreas Schönenberger's academic credentials are a doctorate in physics from the ETH in Zurich and an MBA from London Business School.

Peter Wippermann
Founder of Trendbüro, Hamburg. Peter Wippermann was a Professor of Communication Design at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, he is a specialist in trend-based brand management, and the author of numerous publications.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Welcome coffee
David Bosshart & Kurt Aeschbacher
Begrüssung und Einführung ins Thema
Opening Speech
David Bosshart, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (CH)
gratis – billig – teuer – unbezahlbar: Wie sich die Wahrnehmung der Konsumenten verändert
Trend Overview
Peter Wippermann, Trendbüro (DE)
«Digital natives» und «digital immigrants»:
Wer sind diese Konsumenten und was unterscheidet sie?
Morten Lund, LundXY (DK)
Rebellen gegen Kartelle: Erfahrungen eines Freeconomy-Pioniers
Douglas Rushkoff, Autor (USA)
Radikaler Überfluss: Wie das Internet den Kapitalismus zerstörte und wie sich wieder Wert schöpfen lässt
Christoph Keese, Axel Springer (D)
Andreas Schönenberger, Google Switzerland (CH)
Wirklich alles gratis?
Bre Pettis, MakerBot (USA)
Mehr als kBytes: Wie der Gratis-Trend nun die physische Welt erfasst
James Cherkoff, Collaborate Marketing (GB)
Open Source und Marketing: Die drei wichtigsten Regeln in der Freeconomy
David Bosshart & Kurt Aeschbacher
Zusammenfassung und Schlusswort
17 March 2010
Conference languages
German/English (simultaneous translation)
Changes to the programme
The programme might be subject to change. If the event does not take place, fees will be refunded. Further claims are ruled out.
If you are unable to attend, please let us have your cancellation in writing. By cancellations received until thirty days before the event, we will reimburse the full participation fee. After this term and until five full working days prior to the event we will charge 75% of the fee. In case of later cancellations we will charge the full participation fee. A substitute participant is always welcome.
There will be a free shuttle bus service between the GDI and the hotels Sedartis and Meierhof in Thalwil.
Hotel reservations
You will find a selection of nearby hotels at www.hotels.zuerichsee.ch
1 participant CHF 1‘250.-
From 2 participants CHF 1‘060.-
The fee has to be paid in advance. The price depends on the number of participants registered together from the same firm. Any subsequent participants registered separately will also be billed separately. The conference fee includes all food and beverages.

Konferenz Vormittag

Konferenz Nachmittag

Networking Apéro

Über den Europäischen Trendtag
Der Europäische Trendtag ist eine Konferenz zu Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft. Mit wechselndem Fokus-Thema werden technologische Innovationen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft diskutiert. Die Referenten erkunden neue Möglichkeitsräume des heute noch Undenkbaren und Unvorstellbaren. Teilnehmende sind Führungskräfte aus Marketing, Handel und Beratung sowie Unternehmer, Akademiker und Journalisten von Qualitätsmedien.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board

Peter Wippermann
Gründer des Trendbüros in Hamburg. Wippermann war Professor für Kommunikationsdesign an der Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Spezialist für trendgestützte Markenführung und ist Autor zahlreicher Publikationen.

Norbert Bolz
Professor für Medienwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Zeitgeistphilosoph und Trendanalytiker. Bolz ist ein wichtiger Denker über die kulturelle Entwicklung und Autor zahlreicher Publikationen zu Medien, Marketing und Kommunikation.

Karin Frick
Karin Frick ist Leiterin Research und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung. Die Ökonomin analysiert Trends und Gegentrends in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Konsum und referiert zu diesen Themen regelmässig auf Tagungen und Kongressen.

Dominique von Matt
Gründer und Präsident des Verwaltungsrates der Kommunikationsagentur Jung von Matt/Limmat. Von Matt ist Honorarprofessor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität St. Gallen.

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart war von 1999 bis 2020 CEO des Gottlieb Duttweiler Instituts in Rüschlikon, Zürich. Seit 2020 ist er Präsident der G. und A. Duttweiler-Stiftung.
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon