67th International Retail Summit
SOLD OUT – Radical Customer Centricity: Why Retail Is All About Service
SOLD OUT – Radical Customer Centricity: Why Retail Is All About Service
Picture: NTT DATA Corporation
Omnichannel. productivity per square metre, self-checkout, call center bots – could be of yesterday’s concern, soon. Even today, it’s not products that win customers over, but services. Who is most accommodating, who delivers quickest, who has the simplest payment system, which technology-tools provide real added value? And who knows me so well that every offer they send me is relevant?
The retail formula from now on is: service is twice as important as products. The winner is whoever has the most direct access to the consumer – whether it’s a media corporation, brand manufacturer or online platform. Amazon is competing with Instagram and Miles and More at the gates of classic retail models. The classic supply chain is being broken down into individual stages and put together again around the user
This raises the following questions which we are going to discuss at the 67th International Retail Summit:
Who is best-prepared for this new customer world?
From customer to networked user: which services will win?
How much should we still invest in the old world, is the constant renovation of shopping malls still worthwhile?
Will unprecedented consolidation threaten retail?
Die Liste der ReferentInnen wird laufend ergänzt.

Daniel Grieder
CEO Hugo Boss from June 2021. CEO of Tommy Hilfiger Global and PVH Europe until 2020. Daniel Grieder has over 30 years of international experience as managing director, founder, president and CEO. As part of the pan European launch of Tommy Hilfiger in 1997, Grieder introduced the brand in his native home of Switzerland and Austria. On July 1, 2014, Grieder became CEO, Tommy Hilfiger Global, in addition to his continued role as CEO, PVH Europe.

Amber Case
Fellow at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society and a visiting researcher at MIT. Amber Case studies the interaction between humans and computers. She was named one of National Geographic’s Emerging Explorers and featured among Fast Company’s Most Influential Women in Technology.

Chris Sanderson
Great Britain
Co-founder of trend consultancy The Future Laboratory. Chris is a SuperBoard member of The British Fashion Council’s Fashion Trust.

Stéphane Garelli
Stéphane Garelli is a world authority on competitiveness. Professor at IMD (Institute of Management Development) in Lausanne, closely connected to the world of business. He was Managing Director of the World Economic Forum and of the Davos Symposium for many years. Stéphane reads today’s global economic picture better than anyone else. Presentations challenge people to think ‘outside the box’.

Tiziana Primori
CEO of Fico Eataly World, the first agri-food park for Italian food and wine. In May 2015, she was awarded the Women CEO Award “Le Tecnovisionarie”, destined to women whose work contributes in developing sustainable innovation in the community. Primori is also Director of Coop Alleanza 3.0 – the largest Italian consumer cooperative.

Willy Oergel
CEO of Stuttgart-based German department store retailer Breuninger. Oergel started his career in the hotel sector, where he had been a director with Steigenberger Hotel company before joining Breuninger in 1984.

Charlotte Kenny
Great Britain
Head of Fan Services at British football club Arsenal. Before joining Arsenal, Charlotte Kenny was Head of Customer Experience at Nationwide, the world's largest building society, and supervised customer relationship and branding for energy supplier EDF Energy for 14 years.

Josie Cartridge
Great Britain
Customer Director of fashion brand River Island. Josie Cartridge began her career in fashion as a model and later worked as clothing marketing manager for Sainsbury's, developing and managing the launch of Sainsbury's first own label clothing brand - Tu. In 2010, Cartridge joined River Island as Marketing Director, and then promoted in January of 2016 to Customer Director.

Nick Brackenbury
Great Britain
Co-founder and CEO of NearSt. The London-based ecommerce start-up aims at making the local shopping experience easier than online shopping. Before founding NearSt Brackenbury worked for Ogilvy.

Patrick Schrems-Moreira
Global Director Retail Concepts / Innovation & Trend for sports brand Adidas. Before assuming this position in 2014, Schrems-Moreira worked as project manager and communications manager for Adidas. He began his career as a consultant for the business consultancy Weissmann & Cie.

Farrah Hamid
Great Britain
Co-founder of Prettly, a London-based startup, which offers beauty treatments that are delivered to homes and offices. After working in the PR and marketing field for several years, Hamid received her MBA from London Business School in 2014 and became a co-founder in the business soon after.

Christian Viatte
CEO of Mila, an online broker for local tech-experts. After his business information studies, Viatte worked for an internet startup and for Swisscom. In 2011 he became Head of Business Development & Innovation for the telecommunications provider and together with his team set up the company's innovation hub.

Markus Kaser
Markus Kaser is Chairman of the Board of Directors of INTERSPAR Austria, a leading hypermarket operator in the country. Kaser has a degree in business administration and is responsible for the most successful large-scale Austrian trading company, with approximately 10,000 employees and more than EUR 1.6 billion in revenue.

Thomas Herbert
CEO of Globus. Before joining Globus, Herbert had worked for ten years as co-owner and CEO for Schild. During this time he restructured and repositioned the company. Herbert did his apprenticeship with Globus and already had worked there for ten years before startinng his career at Schild.

Mario Sixtus
Journalist, author and filmmaker. The focus of his works are current developments on the Internet, in net-culture and net-politics. His articles appear in the German newspapers "Die Zeit", "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung", "Handelsblatt", and in the "Focus" magazine. Sixtus received the Grimme Online Award and the Lead Award for his web video series "The Electric Reporter".

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart was CEO of the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for consumption, economic and social studies from 1999 to 2020. Since 2020 he has been President of the G. and A. Duttweiler Foundation.

Reto Brennwald
TV journalist, filmmaker and media trainer. From 2008 to 2011 Reto Brennwald presented SRF's politics programme "Arena". Prior to that, he had been moderator of the "Rundschau" for seven years. Reto Brennwald has been active in the electronic media sphere for 25 years. In 2015 he founded the Talk&Film GmbH for communication, moderation and film production.
Thursday, 7 September, 10.00 – 17.45
Welcome Coffee
10.00 – 18.00
David Bosshart (CH), CEO, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
From Customer to User: Why Retail Is All About Service
Chris Sanderson (UK), Co-Founder, The Future Laboratory
Retail Futures: The New Customer
Daniel Grieder (NL/CH), CEO, Tommy Hilfiger Global and PHV Europe
The Right Mindset: Moving at the Speed of Innovation and Digitalisation<
Tiziana Primori (IT), CEO, Eataly World
From Supermarket to Theme Park: The Next Revolution in Food Experience
Herbert Bolliger (CH), Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Migros Cooperatives
Customer in Focus: Learnings for the Future
Markus Kaser (AT), CEO, Interspar Österreich
The New Retailer: How Customers Become Guests
Willy Oergel (DE), CEO, E. Breuninger
Comparison Trap: Differentiation Through Service
Nick Brackenbury (UK), CEO, NearSt
From Click to Mortar: Why Physical Stores are the Future of Online Shopping
Conversation with Nick Brackenbury and Thomas Herbert (CH), CEO, Globus
Tomorrow's Department Store: Store Without Goods, Goods Without Store?
Amber Case (US), Fellow at Harvard University, Visiting Researcher at MIT
Calm Technology: When Devices Make Us More Human
Flying Networking Dinner
Shuttleservice: Transfer to Hotel Sedartis and Thalwil train station
Friday, 8 September, 09.00 – 13.00
Stéphane Garelli (CH), Professor, IMD Business School and University of Lausanne
The World in Reset Mode: A Competitiveness Outlook for 2018 and Beyond
Josie Cartridge (UK), Customer Director, River Island
Get Personal: Engage Your Customers
Christian Viatte (CH), CEO, Mila
Crowd Service: When Your Neighbour Sets Up Your Smart Home
Charlotte Kenny (UK), Head of Fan Services, Arsenal
Emotions Management: Why Football Fans Are More Than Customers
Patrick Schrems-Moreira (DE), Global Director Retail Concepts / Innovation & Strategy, Adidas
Shop-Transformation: How Customers Become Humans
Farrah Hamid (UK), Mitgründerin, Prettly
Beauty at Your Doorstep: How a Platform Transforms the Salon Experience
Mario Sixtus (DE), Journalist and filmmaker
Recommendation Algorithms: New Adventures and Anecdotes!
Networking Lunch
7 September - 8 September 2017
German/English (simultaneous interpretation)
Changes to the programme
The programme is subject to change. If an event does not take place, fees will be refunded. Further claims are ruled out.
If you are unable to attend, please let us have your cancellation in writing. The fee will be reimbursed on cancellation thirty or more days before the event. After this term and until five full working days prior to the event we will charge 75% of the fee. In the event of later cancellations we will charge the full participation fee. Substitute participants welcome.
Hotel reservation
To benefit from special rates, please use the following email adresses and refer to the following code: IHT2017
Hotel Sedartis, Thalwil: info@sedartis.ch
Hotel Belvoir, Rüschlikon: info@hotel-belvoir.ch
There will be a free shuttle bus service between the GDI and the Hotel Sedartis Thalwil and Thalwil train station.
2 days, 1 person: Full price: CHF 2300
2 days, 2 or more persons: Full price: CHF 1950 / person
1 day, per person: Full price: CHF 1400
Price for startups: 1 day: CHF 450 2 days: CHF 600 (Discount code on request: iht@gdi.ch)
20% early-bird discount until 31 March 2017
10% early-bird discount until 31 May 2017
Payment in advance. Reduced fees apply when more than one participant from the same company register at the same time. Any subsequent participants registered separately will be invoiced separately. The conference fee includes all food and beverages (and VAT). Participants registering less than two weeks before the event can pay by credit card only.
Die Teilnehmerliste wird eine Woche vor dem Event veröffentlicht (Passwort erforderlich).
Über die Internationale Handelstagung
Die Internationale Handelstagung ist eine führende Strategieplattform für Entscheidungsträger und Vordenker im Retail und in der Konsumgüterbranche. Teilnehmende sind Führungskräfte aus dem Handel und verwandten Branchen, Unternehmer, Akademiker und Journalisten von Schweizer und europäischen Qualitätsmedien.
Inspiration ist entscheidend für die Transformation. Der breite Themenmix der GDI-Handelstagung ermöglicht einen Blick über den Tellerrand und garantiert anregende Gespräche in den Networking-Pausen.
Ich freue mich jedes Jahr auf den interdisziplinären Austausch mit tollen Teilnehmern und auf die fantastische Auswahl der internationalen Referenten. Der Mix von sehr erfahrenen Unternehmen und Start-ups gibt immer wieder Impulse, die unser Unternehmen bereichern.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board

Simonetta Carbonaro
Expertin für Konsumentenpsychologie, Professorin für Humanistisches Marketing und Designmanagement und eine international anerkannte Vordenkerin in der Konsumgüterindustrie. Sie ist Mitbegründerin von REALISE, einem strategischen Beratungsunternehmen, das auf Markenführung und strategisches Designmanagement spezialisiert ist.

Caroline Drucker
Director EMEA Strategic Partnerships bei Instagram. Zuvor war Drucker bei Etsy Global Brand Manager und gestaltete die kreativen Abläufe des Unternehmens neu. Sie war die erste Produktmanagerin bei der Community-gesteuerten Musikplattform SoundCloud. Ihre Karriere begann im Verlagswesen, wo sie eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Etablierung des VICE-Magazins auf dem deutschen Markt spielte und die digitale Strategie für den Relaunch von Freitag, einer überregionalen Wochenzeitung, entwickelte.

Stephan Fetsch
Partner, Deal Advisory-Valuation, EMA Head of Retail von KPMG. Fetsch verantwortet den Handelssektor bei KPMG in Deutschland und KPMG Europa. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen auf der Unternehmensplanung, der Bewertung von Unternehmen, immateriellen Vermögenswerten, Joint Venture sowie wertbasierter Entscheidungsfindung und transaktionsorientierter Beratung.

Michel Gruber
Leiter des Departements Handel und Mitglied der Generaldirektion des Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund. Vor seinem Einstieg bei der Migros war Michel Gruber bei Valora während neun Jahren in verschiedenen Funktionen tätig, zuletzt als Geschäftsführer von Valora Food Service Schweiz.

Dominique Locher
Als Unternehmer, Angel Investor, kreativer Förderer und Innovator begleitet Dominque Locher Unternehmen wie Edeka, Utkonos, Farmy.ch, Bring! oder LuckaBox in die digitale-Welt. Als Vorstandsmitglied der Swiss Retail Federation treibt er die Digitalisierung im Schweizer Handel voran. Er baute LeShop.ch mit auf, einen der ersten Online-Supermärkte der Welt. Bis 2017 führte er das Unternehmen als CEO.

André Maeder
CEO der KaDeWe Group. Maeder blickt auf eine langjährige internationale Karriere im Retail zurück. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Premium- und Luxus-Brands: Bei Harrods war er Chief Operational und Merchandise Officer, bei Hugo Boss Vertriebsvorstand und zuständig für Global Retail. Als Chief Retail Officer arbeitete Maeder auch für Karstadt.

Mariann Wenckheim
Partnerin und Vorstand von 20.20, einem Unternehmen für strategische Designberatung für die Handels- und Freizeitindustrie.
Date & Time
7 September 2017
8 September 2017
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon