63rd International Retail Summit
Growth? Where tomorrow's retail markets are created
Growth? Where tomorrow's retail markets are created
Is there still growth in the Western world? Even the most renowned economists are beginning to have doubts about this and speak of "no growth". The economy of the West is shaped by population decline, dwindling resources, growing saturation and mushrooming debt and red tape.
It's time to look for the retail markets of the future. The spectrum of options ranges from reckless competition for market share to the new opportunities offered by the Amazon Economy and even to a conscious capitalism of make-it-yourself and sharing.
The GDI's 63rd International Retail Summit is all about growth prospects. Economists will explain the workings of a post-growth economy. Trend researchers will describe megatrends and countertrends. And retail pioneers will explain their strategies for achieving success in the new environment. Together they will answer questions such as:
- What can traditional retailers learn from successful niche-market entrepreneurs?
- How can big-box retailers survive the looming zero growth?
- "Always on" and "showrooming": what does the Internet economy mean for brick-and-mortar retailing?
- Sharing, big data, resilience: hypes or megatrends?

Ernst Dieter Berninghaus
Chairman of SIGNA Group, Austrias biggest private real estate company. Until 2016, Berninghaus was Head of the Trade Department and member of the Executive Board of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (MGB).

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart was CEO of the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for consumption, economic and social studies from 1999 to 2020. Since 2020 he has been President of the Gottlieb and Adele Duttweiler Foundation.

Götz W. Werner
Founder and member of the Board of Directors of dm-drogerie markt, Germany’s biggest drugstore chain with 2700 stores in twelve European countries. With his book "Einkommen für alle", Werner triggered the discussion about a basic income for every citizen guaranteed by the state.

Hans-Otto Schrader
Chairman of the Executive Board of Otto Group since 2007. Prior to that, Schrader held positions in auditing, purchasing and import organisation. As Board member, he was responsible for personnel and purchasing. The services and trading group operates 123 companies around the world.

Kruti Patel Goyal
Vice President of Etsy International, an online marketplace for DIY products with over 22 million members in more than 200 countries. Prior to joining Etsy in 2011, Goyal, who holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, was in charge of in digital media and growth opportunities at (RED) and Viacom.

Robert J. Gordon
Internationally renowned macroeconomist. A professor at Northwestern University, his controversial analyses predict minimal growth for the USA in the years to come. Gordon is a member of the NBER’s Business Cycle Dating Committee that monitors economic development in the U.S.

Sucharita Mulpuru-Kodali
Principal analyst on Forrester’s eBusiness team. Focusing on consumer behavior and trends in online shopping, she is frequently cited on multichannel retail topics in leading media outlets. The Harvard graduate was the director of marketing at Saks Fifth Avenue and held management positions at Toys R Us and Walt Disney.

Stefan Meyrat
Head of Global Retail at PUMA. The 44-year-old Swiss has been with the sportswear manufacturer for seven years, first for Retail EEMEA and since 2012 for global retail. Prior to that, Meyrat worked for Wolford, FMCG and as an international business consultant. MBA at IMD in Lausanne.

Chris Todd
Director emeritus at the Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung and director at the Harding-Zentrum für Risikokompetenz. His books «Gut Feelings» and «Rationality for Mortals» have been translated into 18 languages and awarded worldwide. His new book translates «Risk: Hot to make the right decisions».

Monika Walser
CEO of Freitag since 2009. Freitag employs 130 people, sells 300,000 bags and accessories per year (20% of which online), owns 400 selling points and 9 shops all over the world. Walser carries carries a Master degree in communication an MBA in leadership and ethics.

Gerd Gigerenzer
Director emeritus at the Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung and director at the Harding-Zentrum für Risikokompetenz. His books «Gut Feelings» and «Rationality for Mortals» have been translated into 18 languages and awarded worldwide. His new book translates «Risk: Hot to make the right decisions».

Marleen Vogelaar
CSO and co-founder of Shapeways, a 3-D-printing service company that prints objects from design files uploaded by users. By the end of 2012, 6 billion product variations were available on Shapeways. Earlier, Vogelaar worked at the boutique consultancy Solving IMCG in M&A and strategy.

Karin Frick
Karin Frick is Head of Think Tank and a Member of the Executive Board at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute. As an economist, she researches trends and countertrends in business, society and consumption.

Bertie Stephens
Great Britain
CEO and co-founder of Flubit, a demand driven online shopping service that offers to find its users a specific product at a lower price. Before launching Flubit, Stephens, a film production graduate from LSBU, ran a successful video production company.

Lionel Souque
Management Board member of REWE Group. As the Chairman of REWE Markt GMbH, Souque is in charge of the supermarkets in Germany. Prior to that, Souque lead the REWE-stores in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in Italy.

Johannes Gutmann
Founder and director of the Austrian Sonnentor Kräuterhandels GmbH. In 25 years, the son of a farmer turned a one-man-enterprise into an international organic business with 215 employees and companies in the Czech Republic, Albania and Romania. Sonnentor exports its goods in more than 50 countries.
Day 1
Thursday, 12 September 2013, 10.00 – 18.15
Welcome coffee
Post-growth: how to grow when we're no longer growing?
Robert J. Gordon (US)
The end of growth? What’s in store for us
David Bosshart (CH)
Sharing, making, swapping: how a new economy is transforming retail and consumer relationships
Managing retail tomorrow
Ernst Dieter Berninghaus (CH)
Further growth: the prospects for retail
Pioneers I: Growth through product innovation
Monika Walser (CH)
Out of the bag: how businesses can grow creatively
Pioniere I: Growth through product innovation
Stefan Meyrat (DE)
Sustainability in retail: point-of-sale challenge
The future of multi-channel
Sucharita Mulpuru-Kodali (US)
Online retail: will web retail lead bricks-and-mortar to doom or bloom?
Chris Todd (CH)
Navigating the path to purchase in the always-on marketplace
Pioniere II: Growth through re-invention
Lionel Souque (D)
How to turn your customers into fans
Johannes Gutmann (A)
Organic retail: from wacko to winner
Digression: How to decide?
Gerd Gigerenzer (D)
Risk: the psychology of decision-making
Summary 1st Day
David Bosshart (CH)
Networking and lounge
Shuttle transfer to the hotels and Thalwil station
Day 2
Friday, 13 September 2013, 09.00 – 14.30
Leading change
Götz W. Werner (D)
Focus on people: how we become fit for the future
Hans-Otto Schrader (D)
Leading for change: from mail-order business to successful online retailer
Digression: Consumption in the future
Karin Frick (CH)
From retail to rentail: why in future we'll do more sharing and swapping rather than buying
Future Retail Lab
Nicole Vanderbilt (UK)
Peer-to-peer commerce: building more than a marketplace for crafts
Marleen Vogelaar (US)
3-D printing: the rise of creative commerce
Bertie Stephens (UK)
eCommerce 3.0.: The Demand Driven Marketplace
Study Tour
Wednesday, 11 September 2013 – 14.00 to 21.00
On the eve of the 63rd Retail Summit, there will be an introductory presentation on “Around the world in 18 days – international retail highlights”, followed by a tour of some new shopping concepts in Zurich. This study tour for Retail Summit participants only will visit the Freitag store and other new store concepts located at the Frau Gerolds Garten urban park and elsewhere. Please note that the number of participants is limited and that registration for the International. Retail Summit is a requirement for participation in the study tour. German to English simultaneous translation available if desired.
12 September - 13 September 2013
German/English (simultaneous translation)
Changes to the programme
The programme is subject to change. If an event does not take place, fees will be refunded. Further claims are ruled out.
If you are unable to attend, please let us have your cancellation in writing. The fee will be reimbursed on cancellation thirty or more days before the event. After this term and until five full working days prior to the event we will charge 75% of the fee. In the event of later cancellations we will charge the full participation fee. Substitute participants welcome.
Hotel reservation
To profit from the special pricings, please use the following email adresses and refer to the following code: IHT 2013
Hotel Sedartis, Thalwil: info(at)sedartis.ch
Hotel Alexander, Thalwil: info(at)alexander-am-zuerichsee.ch
More hotels can be found at www.zuerich.com
There will be a free shuttle bus service between the GDI and the hotels Sedartis and Alexander in Thalwil as well as Belvoir in Rüschlikon.
2 days, 1 participant: CHF 2300.-2 days, 2 or more participants: CHF 1950.-1 day, per participant: CHF 1400.-Study Tour CHF 350.– The fee has to be paid in advance. The price depends on the number of participants registered together from the same firm. Any subsequent participants registered separately will be billed separately. The conference fee includes all food and beverages (including VAT). Participants registering less than two weeks before the event can pay by credit card only.
Die Teilnehmerliste wird eine Woche vor dem Event veröffentlicht (Passwort erforderlich).
Interview with Sucharita Mulpuru-Kodali
Interview with Hans-Otto Schrader
Interview with Marleen Vogelaar
Interview with Götz W. Werner
Über die Internationale Handelstagung
Die Internationale Handelstagung ist eine führende Strategieplattform für Entscheidungsträger und Vordenker im Retail und in der Konsumgüterbranche. Teilnehmende sind Führungskräfte aus dem Handel und verwandten Branchen, Unternehmer, Akademiker und Journalisten von Schweizer und europäischen Qualitätsmedien.
Inspiration ist entscheidend für die Transformation. Der breite Themenmix der GDI-Handelstagung ermöglicht einen Blick über den Tellerrand und garantiert anregende Gespräche in den Networking-Pausen.
Ich freue mich jedes Jahr auf den interdisziplinären Austausch mit tollen Teilnehmern und auf die fantastische Auswahl der internationalen Referenten. Der Mix von sehr erfahrenen Unternehmen und Start-ups gibt immer wieder Impulse, die unser Unternehmen bereichern.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board

Simonetta Carbonaro
Expertin für Konsumentenpsychologie, Professorin für Humanistisches Marketing und Designmanagement und eine international anerkannte Vordenkerin in der Konsumgüterindustrie. Sie ist Mitbegründerin von REALISE, einem strategischen Beratungsunternehmen, das auf Markenführung und strategisches Designmanagement spezialisiert ist.

Caroline Drucker
Director EMEA Strategic Partnerships bei Instagram. Zuvor war Drucker bei Etsy Global Brand Manager und gestaltete die kreativen Abläufe des Unternehmens neu. Sie war die erste Produktmanagerin bei der Community-gesteuerten Musikplattform SoundCloud. Ihre Karriere begann im Verlagswesen, wo sie eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Etablierung des VICE-Magazins auf dem deutschen Markt spielte und die digitale Strategie für den Relaunch von Freitag, einer überregionalen Wochenzeitung, entwickelte.

Stephan Fetsch
Partner, Deal Advisory-Valuation, EMA Head of Retail von KPMG. Fetsch verantwortet den Handelssektor bei KPMG in Deutschland und KPMG Europa. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen auf der Unternehmensplanung, der Bewertung von Unternehmen, immateriellen Vermögenswerten, Joint Venture sowie wertbasierter Entscheidungsfindung und transaktionsorientierter Beratung.

Michel Gruber
Leiter des Departements Handel und Mitglied der Generaldirektion des Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund. Vor seinem Einstieg bei der Migros war Michel Gruber bei Valora während neun Jahren in verschiedenen Funktionen tätig, zuletzt als Geschäftsführer von Valora Food Service Schweiz.

Dominique Locher
Als Unternehmer, Angel Investor, kreativer Förderer und Innovator begleitet Dominque Locher Unternehmen wie Edeka, Utkonos, Farmy.ch, Bring! oder LuckaBox in die digitale-Welt. Als Vorstandsmitglied der Swiss Retail Federation treibt er die Digitalisierung im Schweizer Handel voran. Er baute LeShop.ch mit auf, einen der ersten Online-Supermärkte der Welt. Bis 2017 führte er das Unternehmen als CEO.

André Maeder
CEO der KaDeWe Group. Maeder blickt auf eine langjährige internationale Karriere im Retail zurück. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Premium- und Luxus-Brands: Bei Harrods war er Chief Operational und Merchandise Officer, bei Hugo Boss Vertriebsvorstand und zuständig für Global Retail. Als Chief Retail Officer arbeitete Maeder auch für Karstadt.

Mariann Wenckheim
Partnerin und Vorstand von 20.20, einem Unternehmen für strategische Designberatung für die Handels- und Freizeitindustrie.
Date & Time
12 September 2013
13 September 2013
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon