59th International Retail Summit
Back to Retail - Reinventing the Basics
Back to Retail - Reinventing the Basics
The illusions of globalisation are at an end. The retail sector is facing more changes in the next five years than it has in the last fifty. A new normality is emerging, less is taking the place of more. When a middle-class salary no longer stretches to a middle-class way of life, the "Age of Less" engenders new lifestyles: "trading down", "smart shopping", "luxury shame" and "stealth wealth" – covering needs rather than engaging in consumer frenzy. The new luxury is in the basics.
Retailing has to reinvent itself – gone are the days of "more of the same". It's no longer about speed and size at any price – what counts is working together throughout the entire value chain: cooperative societies, partner networks, pooled procurement. Is the future of retailing taking it back to its origins? Only far-sighted egoism that sees beyond the merely commercial can generate social wealth. Upright entrepreneurs of the Gottlieb Duttweiler type will take the place of short-termist profiteers.
Come and listen to proven experts at the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute discussing possible developments.
How you benefit
You can gain brand-new insights that are far removed from conventional thinking. Acknowledged experts analyse and discuss the really relevant questions of forward-looking strategies, market potential and growth concepts.
The International Retail Summit is a platform for CEOs and strategy-oriented executives from retailing, consumer-goods, service and consultancy companies.

Rolando Benedick
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Valora. Rolando Benedick learned his metier from scratch and is now one of the most profound authorities on retailing in general and the department store business in particular.

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart was CEO of the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for consumption, economic and social studies from 1999 to 2020. Since 2020 he has been President of the G. and A. Duttweiler Foundation.

Ernst Dieter Berninghaus
Chairman of SIGNA Group, Austrias biggest private real estate company. Until 2016, Berninghaus was Head of the Trade Department and member of the Executive Board of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (MGB).

Arndt Brockmann
Since 2007, Managing Director of Zara Germany und Massimo Dutti Germany, companies belonging to Spain's Inditex Group. Now 34 years old, Arndt Brockmann previously held positions at Hugo Boss and Strenesse and most recently at Puma.

Heliane Canepa
CEO of the globally active Nobel Biocare Group between 2001 and 2007. Heliane Canepa received the 2006 "SwissAward" in the business category and has twice been selected as Switzerland's "Businesswoman of the Year". The "Financial Times" rated Heliane Canepa Europe's sixth most successful businesswoman in 2005.

Erwin Conradi
Former Supervisory Board Chairman of the Metro Group, which he headed up until 2000, playing a key role in its development. Erwin Conradi is one of retailing's key executive players at the international level. The Technical University of Braunschweig awarded him an honorary doctorate in business studies in 1999.

Dagmar Deckstein
Editor at the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", currently business correspondent in Stuttgart. Dagmar Deckstein's management column was a widely read highlight of the international business press for many years. Author of the books "Arbeit neu denken" and "Klasse! Die wundersame Welt der Manager".

Matthias Gehle
Managing director at Valora Retail Germany since 2002, with responsibility for category management, publishers, suppliers, marketing and services. A graduate in business management, Matthias Gehle had previously been employed at a number of manufacturing companies as a finance expert.

Thomas Greiner
CEO of the Dussmann Group. Until 2007, member of the Executive Board, with responsibility for marketing and PR. Thomas Greiner had previously been head of corporate communication.

Bertrand Jungo
Chief Executive Officer of Swiss company Admeira. Until 2017 Jungo was CEO of the Swiss department store chain Manor. After graduating in business management at Fribourg, the passionate retailer occupied positions from assistant right up to director.

Ralph Krüger
German-Canadian by birth, Ralph Krueger has been coach of the Swiss ice-hockey team since 1997 and managing director of Teamlife GmbH. Previously ice-hockey coach in Austria and a member of the German national ice-hockey team. The focus of his talk is team life.

Jules Kyburz
President of the Federation of Migros Cooperatives (MGB) until 2000 and Board member of the Gottlieb and Adele Duttweiler Foundation to the present day. Starting as a stockkeeper, Jules Kyburz worked his way up to the top in a 50-years career at Migros.

Richard Marcus
Former CEO and Chairman of Neiman Marcus, the foremost national high fashion speciality store in the United States. Richard Marcus worked from his teenage years until 1988 in the company founded by his grandfather. He is a graduate of Harvard College.

Jürgen Schröcker
Executive Board member responsible for marketing, market research and HR at the Hornbach Group, one of Europe's largest operators of DIY megastores and garden centres. The 40-year-old had previously been head of marketing at the Möbel Walther Group.

Lorraine Tovey
Great Britain
Account director at 20/20, a leading international branding agency. Special areas: interior design and project management. Tovey played a key role in creating new brands for Valora Switzerland and Germany.

Jack Trout
Owner and President of Trout & Partners. Jack Trout is recognized as one of the most famous names in the world of marketing. He is the author of marketing bestsellers as "Differentiate or Die" or "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing". Trout & Partners has done work for a large series of Fortune 500 companies.

Paco Underhill
Founder and CEO of Envirosell, management consultants for market research and consumer-friendly shop and product design. Author of best-selling books "Why we Buy" and "Call of the Mall".

Stuart Rose
Great Britain
Former Executive Chairman of Marks & Spencer. Sir Stuart Rose began his career in retail at Marks & Spencer in 1972 before going on to the Burton Group in 1989. Stuart Rose was knighted in the New Year Honours List this year, for his services to the retail industry and corporate social responsibility.
Study Tours: Mittwoch, 9. September 2009
(separat buchbar)
with Umdasch Shop-Concept AG
14.00 - 21.00
Hot Store Tour 1 (d/e)
Innovative Neueröffnungen in Zürich - Fokus auf Food
Hot Store Tour 2 (d)
Innovative Neueröffnungen in Zürich - Fokus auf Lifestyle & Sport
Konferenz: Donnerstag, 10. September 2009
Der Code der Krisen-DNA
Opening Speech
- Was die Krise an positiven Veränderungen bringt - die neue Normalität
- David Bosshart, GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (CH)
Retail Overview
- Durchhalten oder Durchstarten: Welche Strategie für Handelsunternehmen in der Wirtschaftskrise?
- Ernst Dieter Berninghaus, Migros (MGB), (CH/DE)
CEO Insights
- Markteinschätzungen zur aktuellen Situation
- Rolando Benedick, Manor, Valora (CH)
13.30 Uhr
Shopping-Visionen und -Instinkte
- Paco Underhill, Envirosell (USA)
- Die Strasse trifft auf das Web trifft auf die Supply Chain. Warum die kommenden fünf Jahre den Handel stärker verändern werden als die vergangenen fünfzig
Navigieren in chaotischen Zeiten
CEO Insights
- Strategien für eine neue Wirtschaftsära
- Sir Stuart Rose, Marks & Spencer (UK)
Executive Practice
- Hornbach: "Es gibt immer was zu tun" - ein Praxisbeispiel
- Jürgen Schröcker, Hornbach(DE)
Executive Practice
- Die neue Mitte - eine Strategie der Zukunft
- Bertrand Jungo, Manor (CH)
Executive Practice
- Rebranding einer Kioskkette: Die Entwicklung der Kleinfläche
- Mathias Gehle, Valora Deutschland (DE)
- Lorraine Tovey, 20/20 (UK)
- Erkenntnisse des ersten Konferenztages
- David Bosshart, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (CH)
Networking & Lounge
- Lernen Sie interessante Gesprächspartner kennen und lassen Sie sich kulinarisch überraschen und verwöhnen.
- zu den Hotels und zum Bahnhof Thalwil
Konferenz: Freitag, 11. September 2009
Von der Kompetition zur Kooperation
- Douglas Rushkoff, bestselling author
- Erfolg und Misserfolg im Sport:
- Wie man mit Misserfolg und Kritik umgeht
- Ralph Krüger, Trainer (CAN/CH)
Mode und Lifestyle im Zeitalter des Weniger
Executive Practice
- Die amerikanische Ikone: Von einem ambitionierten Start zum heutigen Dilemma
- Richard Marcus, ehem. Neiman Marcus (USA)
- Executive Practice Erfahrungen aus einem schwierigen Markt. Die 2 neuen P - Personen und Passion.
- Arndt Brockmann, Zara Deutschland (DE)
Macht und Mythen der Führungserfahrung
Input Speech
- Klasse! Die wundersame Welt der Manager
- Dagmar Deckstein, Autor (DE)
Executive Panel
- Was bedeutet Führung in der Krise?
- Was können junge Führungskräfte von älteren Generationen lernen?
- Passt der Führungsstil von gestern noch?
- Heliane Canepa, ehem. Nobel Biocare (SE/CH)
- Erwin Conradi, ehem. Metro Group (DE)
- Thomas Greiner, Dussmann (DE)
- Jules Kyburz, ehem. Migros (MGB), (CH)
Die richtige Positionierung für den Handel im Wandel
- Positionierung als Weg aus der Rezession.
- Jack Trout, Trout & Partners (USA)
- Erkenntnisse der Konferenz
- David Bosshart, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (CH)
Shuttle-Transfer zum Bahnhof Thalwil
10 September - 11 September 2009
Conference languages
German/English (simultaneous translation)
Study Tours
CHF 350.- including guide, transfers, drinks and dinner. Limited group size. Consideration according to registration date.
Changes to the programme
The programme is subject to change. If the event does not take place, fees will be refunded. Further claims are ruled out.
Cancellations must be in writing and reach us by 10 August 2009 at the latest. After this date and until five full working days before the event begins, 75% of the fee will be charged. For later cancellations, the full fee will be charged. Substitute participants welcome.
There will be a free shuttle bus service between the GDI, Thalwil train station and the hotels.
2 days, 1 participant: CHF 2300.-
2 days, 1 participant: CHF 2300.-
1 day, per participant: CHF 1400.-
The fee has to be paid in advance. The price depends on the number of participants registered together from the same firm. Any subsequent participants registered separately will be billed separately. The conference fee includes all food and beverages.
Die Teilnehmerliste wird eine Woche vor dem Event veröffentlicht (Passwort erforderlich).
Interview mit Leidy Klotz
Interview mit Navi Radjou
Interview mitJason Hickel

Konferenz Vormittag

Konferenz Nachmittag

Networking Apéro

International Retail Summit
The International Retail Summit is one of the international community’s leading strategy platforms for decision-makers and thought leaders in the retail and consumer goods industries. Participants are decision-makers from retail and related industries, entrepreneurs, academia and journalists from Swiss and European quality media.
Inspiration ist entscheidend für die Transformation. Der breite Themenmix der GDI-Handelstagung ermöglicht einen Blick über den Tellerrand und garantiert anregende Gespräche in den Networking-Pausen.
Ich freue mich jedes Jahr auf den interdisziplinären Austausch mit tollen Teilnehmern und auf die fantastische Auswahl der internationalen Referenten. Der Mix von sehr erfahrenen Unternehmen und Start-ups gibt immer wieder Impulse, die unser Unternehmen bereichern.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board

Simonetta Carbonaro
Expertin für Konsumentenpsychologie, Professorin für Humanistisches Marketing und Designmanagement und eine international anerkannte Vordenkerin in der Konsumgüterindustrie. Sie ist Mitbegründerin von REALISE, einem strategischen Beratungsunternehmen, das auf Markenführung und strategisches Designmanagement spezialisiert ist.

Caroline Drucker
Director EMEA Strategic Partnerships bei Instagram. Zuvor war Drucker bei Etsy Global Brand Manager und gestaltete die kreativen Abläufe des Unternehmens neu. Sie war die erste Produktmanagerin bei der Community-gesteuerten Musikplattform SoundCloud. Ihre Karriere begann im Verlagswesen, wo sie eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Etablierung des VICE-Magazins auf dem deutschen Markt spielte und die digitale Strategie für den Relaunch von Freitag, einer überregionalen Wochenzeitung, entwickelte.

Stephan Fetsch
Partner, Deal Advisory-Valuation, EMA Head of Retail von KPMG. Fetsch verantwortet den Handelssektor bei KPMG in Deutschland und KPMG Europa. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen auf der Unternehmensplanung, der Bewertung von Unternehmen, immateriellen Vermögenswerten, Joint Venture sowie wertbasierter Entscheidungsfindung und transaktionsorientierter Beratung.

Michel Gruber
Leiter des Departements Handel und Mitglied der Generaldirektion des Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund. Vor seinem Einstieg bei der Migros war Michel Gruber bei Valora während neun Jahren in verschiedenen Funktionen tätig, zuletzt als Geschäftsführer von Valora Food Service Schweiz.

Dominique Locher
Als Unternehmer, Angel Investor, kreativer Förderer und Innovator begleitet Dominque Locher Unternehmen wie Edeka, Utkonos, Farmy.ch, Bring! oder LuckaBox in die digitale-Welt. Als Vorstandsmitglied der Swiss Retail Federation treibt er die Digitalisierung im Schweizer Handel voran. Er baute LeShop.ch mit auf, einen der ersten Online-Supermärkte der Welt. Bis 2017 führte er das Unternehmen als CEO.

André Maeder
CEO der KaDeWe Group. Maeder blickt auf eine langjährige internationale Karriere im Retail zurück. Sein Schwerpunkt liegt auf Premium- und Luxus-Brands: Bei Harrods war er Chief Operational und Merchandise Officer, bei Hugo Boss Vertriebsvorstand und zuständig für Global Retail. Als Chief Retail Officer arbeitete Maeder auch für Karstadt.

Mariann Wenckheim
Partnerin und Vorstand von 20.20, einem Unternehmen für strategische Designberatung für die Handels- und Freizeitindustrie.
Date & Time
10 September 2009
11 September 2009
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon