Rethinking Prevention
Stable Routines in Unstable Times
Stable Routines in Unstable Times
How can we get a grip on this? In just twenty years, health costs in Switzerland have doubled. Switzerland spends more on health per capita than almost any other country in the world. As a result, health insurance premiums are rising, people are complaining and the state is having to step in. So, how do we get a grip on this?
By looking at it differently. We’re stuck in a system in which the business model is built around illness rather than health. Less than 3% of health expenditure goes towards prevention. We heal the sick, rather than supporting the well.
But prevention, too, needs a new approach – a move away from well-meaning campaigns and top-down interventions, and towards empowering the individual. The way to achieve that will be explained by proven experts at the "Rethinking Prevention" conference. They will discuss how a new health ecosystem should look ten years from now.
The event will take place online only and be livestreamed. You will get the opportunity to exchange ideas with other participants during the breaks via online networking.

Eva Buhin
Head of the Prevention Strategies Section, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Bruhin is responsible for strategy development, health promotion, prevention and demographic societal issues like social inequalities, violence, addiction and mental health.

Wendy Wood
Provost Professor of Psychology and Business at the University of Southern California. Wood's research incorporates neuroscience, cognition and behavioural insights to understand habit persistence and change. Her book «Good Habits, Bad Habits» was featured in the Next Big Idea Club and was reviewed in the New Yorker.

Lars Münter
Head of International Projects Unit at the Danish Committee for Health Education and co-initiator of the "Nordic Health 2030" movement.

Lukas Zahner
CEO of SalutaCoach AG, a start-up for personalized health coaching. Professor Lukas Zahner is also a biologist, sports scientist, certified coach for elite sports and former member of the department management at the Department of Sports, Exercise and Health at the University of Basel.

Lucia Paškova
CEO of Curaden Slovakia. Lucia Paškoá is a passionate ambassador of human rights, ecology and education. Devoting a third of her time to NGOs, she has a good grasp of what the values mean and how they influence the market.

Jakub Samochowiec
Jakub Samochowiec is a Senior Researcher at the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute. He analyses social, economic, and technological changes with a focus on decision, old age, media and consumption.

Marta Kwiatkowski Schenk
Marta Kwiatkowski is a Senior Researcher, Advisor and speaker at the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute and analyses social, economic, and technological trends.
Marta Kwiatkowski (CH), Deputy Head Think Tank, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut
Jakub Samochowiec (CH), Senior Researcher, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut
Rethinking Prevention: Stable Routines in Instable Times
Wendy Wood (US), Professor of Psychology at the University of Southern California and author ("Good Habits, Bad Habits")
Hacking Habits: How to Accomplish Real Change
Lukas Zahner (CH), CEO der SalutaCoach AG
Health Coaching: The Prevention Medicine Of The Future
Lars Münter (DK), Head of International Projects with the Danish Committee for Health Education and Co-Initiator of Nordic Health 2030
Nordic Health 2030: Manifesto for a Better Life
Lucia Pašková (SK), Co-Founder of and Consultant with Curaden Slovakia
Case Study: Building Healthstyles at an Early Age
Panel discussion
Eva Bruhin (CH), Head of the Prevention Strategies Section, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
Health 2030: Scenarios for a New Ecosystem
29 April 2021
German / English (simultaneous interpretation)
Changes to the programme
The programme is subject to change. If an event does not take place, fees will be refunded. Further claims are ruled out.
If you are unable to attend, please let us have your cancellation in writing. The fee will be reimbursed on cancellation thirty or more days before the event. After this term and until five full working days prior to the event we will charge 75% of the fee. In the event of later cancellations we will charge the full participation fee. Substitute participants welcome.
The event will take place online. You will receive the link to the livestream one week prior to the conference.
Livestream: CHF 150
Payment in advance via credit cardLivestream-Teilnahme: 150 CHF

Participants' list
Teilnehmerliste (Passwort erforderlich)
Über den Europäischen Trendtag
Der Europäische Trendtag ist eine Konferenz zu Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft. Mit wechselndem Fokus-Thema werden technologische Innovationen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft diskutiert. Die Referenten erkunden neue Möglichkeitsräume des heute noch Undenkbaren und Unvorstellbaren. Teilnehmende sind Führungskräfte aus Marketing, Handel und Beratung sowie Unternehmer, Akademiker und Journalisten von Qualitätsmedien.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board

Peter Wippermann
Gründer des Trendbüros in Hamburg. Wippermann war Professor für Kommunikationsdesign an der Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Spezialist für trendgestützte Markenführung und ist Autor zahlreicher Publikationen.

Norbert Bolz
Professor für Medienwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Zeitgeistphilosoph und Trendanalytiker. Bolz ist ein wichtiger Denker über die kulturelle Entwicklung und Autor zahlreicher Publikationen zu Medien, Marketing und Kommunikation.

Karin Frick
Karin Frick ist Leiterin Research und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung. Die Ökonomin analysiert Trends und Gegentrends in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Konsum und referiert zu diesen Themen regelmässig auf Tagungen und Kongressen.

Dominique von Matt
Gründer und Präsident des Verwaltungsrates der Kommunikationsagentur Jung von Matt/Limmat. Von Matt ist Honorarprofessor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität St. Gallen.

David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart war von 1999 bis 2020 CEO des Gottlieb Duttweiler Instituts in Rüschlikon, Zürich. Seit 2020 ist er Präsident der G. und A. Duttweiler-Stiftung.
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon