11th European Trend Day
The Ubernet: Power and purpose in tomorrow's world
The Ubernet: Power and purpose in tomorrow's world
The Internet has completely changed our lives over the last twenty years. Now it is the Internet that is facing radical changes. Increasingly the "Internet of Things" is pervading our lives and we human beings are gradually merging with it. We are moving towards a transhuman society, an all-encompassing Ubernet is coming about. But at the same time the net is threatening to fragment into countless separate nets — the "Splinternet".
Power is now being redistributed within the Internet and beyond. Propagandists and data collectors are competing with hackers and activists for power in tomorrow's net: is it to be an opinion market or just a sales channel?
Users and companies are increasingly losing confidence in the Internet, and social networks are proving to be asocial. Freedom of information, privacy and democracy are being put to the test. So it is crucial to know: who will define tomorrow's digital canon? Who will do the programming? Who will themselves be programmed? And in what ways will the net further change the economic order?
At the 11th European Trend Day, we will name the drivers and operators of the Ubernet and describe the new boundaries. We will discuss developments and draw up visions and strategies for reconciling the always-on society with the desire to take a step backwards and the struggle to ensure a single Internet for all users.
The following questions will be discussed:<
- Social, mobile, analytics, cloud (SMAC): what's next in the digital eco-system?
- Out of control: who controls the controllers?
- Centralisation vs decentralisation: is "the long tail" economically viable?
- The net economy: how does business function when relationships become more important than things?
- Brainwashing and brandwashing: how does propaganda work in the 21st century?
Norbert Bolz
Professor of Media Studies at the Technical University of Berlin, zeitgeistphilosopher and trend analyst. Bolz is an important thinker on cultural development and author of numerous publications on media, marketing and communication.
Peter Wippermann
Founder of Trendbüro, Hamburg. Peter Wippermann was a Professor of Communication Design at Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, he is a specialist in trend-based brand management, and the author of numerous publications.
David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart was CEO of the GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute for consumption, economic and social studies from 1999 to 2020. Since 2020 he has been President of the Gottlieb and Adele Duttweiler Foundation.
Ted Chu
Tech visionary and Chief Economist IFC, World Bank Group. Formerly the chief economist at General Motors, he was also chief economist for Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. In his second career, Chu conducts interdisciplinary research on the posthuman future, building on his lifelong interest in the frontiers of economic and evolutionary progress.
Sarah Harrison
Great Britain
Journalist at Wikileaks, the organisation that releases suppressed information about corporate, government and military corruption and misconduct. Harrison gained international recognition as whistleblower Edward Snowden's advisor from the time of his escape from Hongkong to his first months in exile in Moscow.
Nick Lambert
Great Britain
Web innovator and COO of MaidSafe, a company which is decentralising the internet. It offers an alternative to the widespread use of servers, which by their popularity have become data centers. In contrast, MaidSafe stores data in a network comprised of the spare computing resources of its users, creating a new internet, one that is anonymous, secure and fast.
Raffaello D'Andrea
Professor of Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH Zurich. Spanning academics, business and the arts, D'Andrea's bridges theory and practice. He is the co-founder of Kiva Systems, a robotics company that was acquired by Amazon in 2012, and a four time RoboCup world champion with Cornell Robot Soccer Team.
Molly Sauter
Media scientist and doctoral student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Her research is focused on hacker culture, transgressive digital activism, and depictions of technology in the media. Sauter is the author of “The Coming Swarm”, an analysis of the history and development of activist distributed denial of service actions.
Eric Drass
Great Britain
Artist and curator. Drass Eric holds a degree in Philosophy and Psychology (Oxford). His artistic themes are identity, big data and the relationship between humans and machines. His work is political, playful, and provocative and is frequently cited on important websites like BoingBoing, Computer Arts and Wikipedia.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015, 08.30 – 17.30
Welcome Coffee
David Bosshart (CH), GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
Introduction: Trends in the Digital Eco System
Ted Chu (US), Tech visionary and Chief Economist IFC
Human Purpose in a Digital World: The Growth of Our Natural Capacities
Raffaello D’Andrea (CH), ETH Zürich
Friend and Foe: Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things and Ubiquitous Feedback
Sarah Harrison (DE), Wikileaks
Courage Is Contagious: Wikileaks, Snowden and the Fight for Freedom of Information
Peter Wippermann (DE), Trendbüro Hamburg
Digital Aggression: Fight or Flight
Molly Sauter (CA), McGill University Montréal
The Perfect Swarm: How Hacktivism and Civil Disobedience (Could) Disrupt
Social Networks
Eric Drass (UK), artist and digital prankster
Algo-culture: Your Next Best Friend Is a Robot
Nick Lambert (UK), MaidSafe
The Internet Is Broken: The Case For a New Decentralised Web
Norbert Bolz (DE), Technische Universität Berlin
Propaganda in the 21st Century: How Data Replace Thinking
David Bosshart (CH), GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
from 17.45
Shuttle to Thalwil station
11. März 2015
Deutsch/Englisch (Simultanübersetzung)
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Über den Europäischen Trendtag
Der Europäische Trendtag ist eine Konferenz zu Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft. Mit wechselndem Fokus-Thema werden technologische Innovationen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft diskutiert. Die Referenten erkunden neue Möglichkeitsräume des heute noch Undenkbaren und Unvorstellbaren. Teilnehmende sind Führungskräfte aus Marketing, Handel und Beratung sowie Unternehmer, Akademiker und Journalisten von Qualitätsmedien.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board
Peter Wippermann
Gründer des Trendbüros in Hamburg. Wippermann war Professor für Kommunikationsdesign an der Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen, Spezialist für trendgestützte Markenführung und ist Autor zahlreicher Publikationen.
Norbert Bolz
Professor für Medienwissenschaft an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Zeitgeistphilosoph und Trendanalytiker. Bolz ist ein wichtiger Denker über die kulturelle Entwicklung und Autor zahlreicher Publikationen zu Medien, Marketing und Kommunikation.
Karin Frick
Karin Frick ist Leiterin Research und Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung. Die Ökonomin analysiert Trends und Gegentrends in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Konsum und referiert zu diesen Themen regelmässig auf Tagungen und Kongressen.
Dominique von Matt
Gründer und Präsident des Verwaltungsrates der Kommunikationsagentur Jung von Matt/Limmat. Von Matt ist Honorarprofessor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Universität St. Gallen.
David Bosshart
Dr. David Bosshart war von 1999 bis 2020 CEO des Gottlieb Duttweiler Instituts in Rüschlikon, Zürich. Seit 2020 ist er Präsident der G. und A. Duttweiler-Stiftung.
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon