How do we communicate tomorrow?

From books to phones to internet and smartphones–our communication is evolving rapidly. Which new forms of interaction will change not only our language, but our lives, will be the topic of the 15th European Trend Day. This infographic shows an overview.
5 February, 2019 by
Wie kommunizieren wir morgen?
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
infographic communication infographic_communication-en.pdf


Communication and language evolve constantly. In retrospect, it is clear diverse communication methods have influenced our language development: books, telephones, televisions, computers, the internet and smartphones transformed the way we express ourselves. These were followed by 3G, 4G, tweets, posts, fake news, ☺ and filter bubbles–every medium or interface changes us.

For the future, it is not yet clear which means of communication have revolutionary potential. But there are a few in the pipeline: How will ever-improving voice recognition influence communication between man and machine? Will hand-implanted microchips replace keys and credit cards? What if bots become our best friends and we send commands directly from brain to machine? Will algorithms become the new alphabet? Our communication is being fragmented and reassembled.

New communication modes will change us further: We will deal differently with people and machines, stories will be told in new ways, marketing and politics will have new laws.

It is striking to note it sometimes takes decades for an invention to reach the general public; the infographic provides a chronological overview of the emergence of the most important communication of the past, present and future.

On 13 March 2019, thought leaders and practitioners will debate the future of communication at the 15th European Trend Day. 

GDI Trendtag 2019

Beyond Words: How New Interfaces Reshape Communication

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