Nick Buettner on lifestyles and food cultures for a longer, healthier life
Marta Messa on how to make food systems sustainable
Petter Bae Brandtzaeg | 20. Europäischer Trendtag
Alison Darcy | 20. Europäischer Trendtag
AI Buddy: Redefining Social Relationships | 20. Europäischer Trendtag
Das Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut (GDI) kurz erklärt
Mary Portas on the kindness economy | 73rd International Retail Summit
Ingvill Kerob on the repair revolution | 73rd International Retail Summit
Adam Alter on getting stuck and the creative cliff illusion | 73rd International Retail Summit
Dimas Gimeno Álvarez on WOW concept and the future of the department store | 73rd International Retail Summit
Impressionen zur 73. Internationalen Handelstagung
Behind the scenes - Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
Dr. Uma Naidoo on the impact of food on our mental health | 3rd International Food Innovation Conference
Pixie Turner on eating in the age of Instagram | 3rd International Food Innovation Conference
Pierre Chandon on Food Marketing and Epicurean Nudging
The Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute in a nutshell
«Wer jetzt im Handel überleben will, muss priorisieren»
Christina Agapakis: The Real World of Biotechnology
Tobias Rees: Why Nature Becomes The New Tech
Frans Schepers: "We have lost trust in nature"
The Protein Transformation
Artificial Intelligence: Curse or Blessing?
Karin Frick beschreibt das neue Zeitalter der Biophilie
Metaverse – Fakten und Mythen: Eine Diskussionsrunde mit Richard Hobbs und Jeff Carvalho