A global thought leaders map

Which intellectuals are really influential? GDI creates a map of global though leaders. Have a first look at our work in progress.
1 January, 2012 durch
A global thought leaders map
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute

The GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute aims to create a map of today's global thought leaders, of those people whose ideas dominate the discourse on the future of society. Before we can start to measure their influence in the infosphere we will obviously have to find out who they are: Who are the thinkers that are seen as most influential by contemporary intellectuals? We asked former or current contributors of our magazine «GDI Impuls» to participate in an online survey. To date we have received more than 100 names of global thinkers:

Alberto Alesina, Marc Augé, David J. P. Barker, Robert Barro, Joachim Bauer, Roy Baumeister, Ben Bernanke, Tim Berners-Lee, Alain de Botton, Ori Brafman, Sergey Brin, Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, Clayton Christensen, Stan Davis, Peter Drucker, Anthony Dunne, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Tom Ford, Bruno S. Frey, Satya J. Gabriel, Pankaj Ghemawat, Gerd Gigerenzer, Jim Gilmore, Malcolm Gladwell, David Graeber, Jürgen Habermas, Jessica Hagy, John Haidt, Umair Haque, Donna Haraway, Stephen Hawkins, Gerald Hüther, Tim Jackson, Steve Jobs, Daniel Kahneman, Kevin Kelly, Naomi Klein, Ivan Krastev, Paul Krugman, Scott Lash, Bruno Latour, Niklas Luhmann, Wolfgang Lutz, Bo Malmberg, Marion Nestle, Tim O'Reilly, Larry Page, Kate Pickett, Joe Pine, Daniel Pink, Michael Pollan, Steven Pinker, Howard Rheingold, Ken Robinson, Saskia Sassen, Gottfried Schatz, Tomáš Sedlácek, Ricardo Semler, Richard Sennett, Brendan Sheehan, Peter Sloterdijk, Bruce Sterling, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nassim Taleb, Ute Tellmann, Lionel Tiger, Steven Vertovec, Loïc Wacquant, Occupy Wallstreet, Richard Wilkinson, E.O. Wilson, Steve Woolgar, Richard Wrangham, Muhammad Yunus, Slavoj Žižek, Mark Zuckerberg.

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