Voyager avec des assistants intelligents

Un szenario du tourisme du futur
Auteurs: Jakub Samochowiec, Marta Kwiatkowski, Stefan Breit
en collaboration avec CDR Conférence des Directeurs d'Offices de Tourisme Regionaux de Suisse
Langues: allemand, français, anglais

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    Smart assistants might have as big an impact on tourism in the next ten years just as smartphones had in the past ten years. This means that for the customer, they will become a personal travel agency, navigator, translator, tour guide and so forth, and they will take on all our administrative tasks – such as buying tickets and checking in. In the following study, we sketch out a picture of what it might be like to go travelling with just such an assistant.

    This study outlines the development of travel until 2030 and is intended as a navigation aid for Swiss tourism:

    • How can we go about digitising our own region?
    • How will tourists travell with smart assistants?
    • What is the best way to make data available?

    The study was commissioned by the Conference of Regional Tourism Directors in Switzerland (RDK).

    English summary

    Deutsche Zusammenfassung

    Résumé français