The Future of Sleep

New markets in the always-on society
Authors: Daniela Tenger, Karin Frick
Commissioned by Möbel Pfister, Hilding Anders Norway
Languages: German, English

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    The Future of Sleeping

    New Markets in the Always-On Society

    The 24-hour society is taking its toll. Our sleep can’t elude the rapid technological and social dynamics. Studies show that we have never slept less than today. At the same time, various forms of sleep disorder are increasing.

    But now change is on the horizon: the sleepless society has had enough of its permanent overfatigue. Sleep is developing from a banal basic need to a lifestyle. The GDI has monitored this turnaround and depicts the future of sleep in Europe in 2025. This study shows

    • the significance of sleep in the world of tomorrow;
    • how our flexible and mobile lifestyle changes our sleep patterns;
    • the consequences for tomorrow’s sleep market and how it can react to the new needs of the sleepless society.

    To answer these questions, a national representative survey has been carried out. In addition, the GDI has discussed the most important trends with experts from economy, tourism and research.

    English summary

    Deutsche Zusammenfassung

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