Enabling the Cell-Based Food Revolution
An Exclusive Industry Event (Online)– on invitation or application only –
Enabling the Cell-Based Food Revolution
As an exclusive platform for the cell-based food industry, Migros, Bühler and Givaudan are co-hosting an online event and inviting start-ups and industry to bring together a wide range of expertise spanning this domain. The aim of this online gathering is to offer the community at the forefront of food innovation a high-profile networking environment for interaction and evolution.
Speakers from companies offering enabling technologies and services will present how their commitment and activities can help the growing number of start-ups striving to change the way we produce and eat. The role of these enablers and how they interact with the cell culture experts will determine how quickly and efficiently this promising industry develops. Already, numerous significant investors have realised its huge potential and they are also invited to join the cellular food community at this event.
The list of the enablers taking part covers the entire range of technologies, from bioengineering and downstream processing to flavour enhancement, 3D-printing and consumer data analysis. There will be two one hour online networking sessions where participants can interact in small groups amongst themselves and with enablers, as well as a discussion panel with regulatory experts from the US, EU and Asia.
The participation in this exclusive cell-based meat convention is by invitation or application only. The event is sponsored and hosted by Migros, Bühler and Givaudan, three Swiss companies spearheading this field in Switzerland. It was initiated and is being organised by Orit Ronen-Bernstein in cooperation with the GDI.

Stefan Nolte
Head of the department Plant-Based at Migros Industry. Nolte is responsible for the integrated management of all plant-based food products in the portfolio. He is in charge of giving all existing and future capabilities of plant-based food development and production within the Migros group both a strategic and operational frame.

Beatrice Conde-Petit
Food Science Officer, Bühler. Conde-Petit drives strategic innovation projects at the interface between science, technology and business around the world. She is responsible for Bühler’s Future of Food Program with focus on sustainable feed and food supply leveraging collaborative innovation with customers, academia, startups and suppliers.

Michael Peters
Global Director Innovation in the Taste and Wellbeing division at Givaudan. Peters, a flavourist by training, joined Quest / Givaudan in 1990. His current aim is to understand the flavour dimension in cell-based food and develop sustainable solutions to transform the global food system to meet the needs of the future.

Gabriel Liguori
Founder and CEO of TissueLabs, a 3D bioprinting startup based in Switzerland. Liguori is a medical doctor with a PhD in Tissue Engineering. In 2018, he was elected a “Forbes” Under 30 and, in 2020, named by the “MIT Technology Review” as an MIT Innovator Under 35. Liguori works with the goal of developing tissues in the lab for future clinical applications.

Viknish Krishnan-Kutty
Founder and CEO of Cellivate Technologies. Prior to founding Cellivate, Krishnan-Kutty completed his PhD in Neural Stem Cell Differentiation at the National University of Singapore, and his B.Eng. from the State University of New York, Stony Brook. Through Cellivate, he wants to help enable the clean meat revolution.

Thomas Herget
Head of the Silicon Valley Innovation Hub, MilliporeSigma at Merck. Herget joined Merck in 2004 and led global R&D teams focusing on evaluating new business opportunities in bioscience. In 2017, he became corporate head of the Silicon Valley Innovation Hub and established the division Cultured Meat

Eric Jenkusky
CEO and Co-founder at Matrix Meats. The company designs and manufactures scaffolds for the cultivation of clean, healthy, and environmentally friendly meat. For this purpose, Matrix Meats uses a custom-engineered nanofiber matrix for the meat to be grown on that is animal-free, scalable, and works with any type of meat.

Jeremiah Fasano
Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Food Additive Safety, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Fasano has worked on a variety of issues during his time at CFSAN, including premarket safety evaluation of new food ingredients, assessment of genetically engineered new plant varieties and strategies for tracking sodium reduction in the US food supply.

Kris De Smet
Head of Team Food Hygiene, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission. Since the beginning of 2009, De Smet coordinates the EU legislation on food hygiene, official controls in products of animal origin and on the control of foodborne zoonoses. He also coordinates the EU position at the Codex alimentarius Committee Food Hygiene.

Michael Beer
Vice Director and Head of the Food and Nutrition Division, Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. In 2002, Beer took over as head of the Food Science Division of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and was head of the Food Safety Division from 2006 to 2013.

Benjamin Smith
Director, Future Ready Food Safety Hub (FRESH) – a joint initiative between the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), the Singapore Food Agency and the Nanyang Technical University Singapore. Smith is also the lead for the Human Safety Platform at A*STAR’s Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation (SIFBI).

Fabio Campanile
Global Head of Science and Technology in the Taste & Wellbeing division at Givaudan. Campanile joined Quest International in the Netherlands as R&D manager in 2000. The company was acquired by Givaudan in 2007. Campanile has had several roles in R&D and headed the department of Flavour Creation and Application.

Orit Ronen-Bernstein
Orit Ronen-Bernstein is a trusted pathfinder and “bridge builder” connecting companies headquartered in Switzerland with the world. Her speciality is not just connecting companies but the right people – their visions, minds and hearts. She has an established network and her door-opening impact gives her access to many decision makers, especially in the food area.

Matthew Robin
CEO von ELSA-Mifroma, einer Gruppe von sechs Lebensmittelunternehmen der Migros-Industrie. Robin leistet Pionierarbeit für die Strategie, Investitionen und Aktivitäten der Migros im Bereich des kultivierten Fleisches. Ausgebildet in England als Chemieingenieur, arbeitete er in der Schweiz und den USA in der pharmazeutischen Herstellung und Medizintechnik, bevor er in den Lebensmittelsektor wechselte.
Stefan Nolte (CH), Head of Business Unit Plant-based, Migros Industry, Migros
Translating the New Food: Retail as a Bridge to Consumers
Beatrice Conde-Petit (CH), Food Science Officer, Bühler
Collaborative Innovation for a Sustainable Food Supply
Michael Peters (CH), Global Director Innovation Taste & Wellbeing, Givaudan
The Role of Taste Technology in Enabling Meat Substitutes
Networking Break
Gabriel Liguori (CH), Founder and CEO, TissueLabs
3D Printing Meat: How Bioprinting Can Transform Appearance, Texture, and Flavours in Cellular Agriculture
Regulatory Panel
Jeremiah Fasano (US), Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Food Additive Safety, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, US Food and Drug Administration
Kris De Smet (EU), Head of Team Food Hygiene, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Benjamin Smith (SG), Director, Future Ready Food Safety Hub (FRESH)
Michael Beer (CH), Vice Director, Head of Food and Nutrition, Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office
Matthew Michael (US), Director, Regulations Development Staff, Office of Policy and Program Development, USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service
Moderated by: Fabio Campanile (CH), CTO, Givaudan
Viknish Krishnan-Kutty (SG), Founder and CEO, Cellivate
Filling the gaps by enhancing cell growth and having edible microcarriers, to create scalable structured meat
Networking break
Thomas Herget (US), Head, Innovation Hub Silicon Valley, MilliporeSigma, Merck
Cell Culture Media Development for Cultured Meat
Eric Jenkusky (US), CEO and Co-founder, Matrix Meats
Scaffolding: A Key Building Block for Cultivated Meat
Lejjy Gafour (CA), Co-founder, Future Fields
Becoming Affordable: How to Reduce the Cost of the Growth Factor
Online Networking
Participation is by invitation only. The event targets networks of artificial intelligence research and practice with thought leaders and decision makers from society, business and government. For questions about the invitation process, please contact culturedmeat@gdi.ch.
30 June 2021
13:00 – 19:00 (CEST / Zurich time)
Free of charge
Die Teilnehmerliste wird eine Woche vor Veranstaltung veröffentlicht (Passwort erforderlich).
Interview mit Leidy Klotz
Interview mit Navi Radjou
Interview mitJason Hickel

Konferenz Vormittag

Konferenz Nachmittag

Networking Apéro

Über die International Food Innovation Conference
Die International Food Innovation Conference ist eine jährlich stattfindende Veranstaltung zur Zukunft der Ernährung. Sie umfasst sowohl technologische als auch gesellschaftliche Veränderungen im Ökosystem der Ernährung. Ziel ist es, aktuelle Trends in einen übergeordneten Kontext zu stellen und langfristige Perspektiven für alle beteiligten Akteure zu entwickeln.
Unter dem übergreifenden Thema «Der Aufbau eines nachhaltigen Food-Systems», bringt die ganztägige Konferenz Vordenker, Experten und Startups zusammen. TeilnehmerInnen sind EntscheidungsträgerInnen aus der Lebensmittelindustrie und verwandten Branchen, UnternehmerInnen, AkademikerInnen und JournalistenInnen von Schweizer und europäischen Qualitätsmedien.
Vergangene Konferenzen
Advisory Board

Urs Niggli
Ehemaliger Direktor des Forschungsinstituts für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) in Frick, Schweiz. Urs Niggli ist ein Schweizer Agrarwissenschaftler und ein Vorreiter der Bio-Landwirtschaft. Unter Niggli ist das FiBL zu einer weltweit führenden Biolandbau-Forschungseinrichtung geworden. Niggli ist zudem Gründer von agroecology.science, einem Beratungsunternehmen für Nachhaltigkeit und biologische Landwirtschaft.

Matthew Robin
CEO von ELSA-Mifroma, einer Gruppe von sechs Lebensmittelunternehmen der Migros-Industrie. Robin leistete Pionierarbeit für die Strategie, Investitionen und Aktivitäten der Migros im Bereich des kultivierten Fleisches. Ausgebildet in England als Chemieingenieur, arbeitete er in der Schweiz und den USA in der pharmazeutischen Herstellung und Medizintechnik, bevor er in den Lebensmittelsektor wechselte.

Lee Howell
Ausserordentlicher Gastprofessor an der Universität Genf, wo er zwei neue Kurse über die vierte industrielle Revolution und über disruptive Technologien unterrichtet. Howell ist zudem Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität St. Gallen. Er ist Mitglied des Vorstands der EAT Foundation, einer wissenschaftsbasierten globalen Plattform für die Transformation des Lebensmittelsystems. Von 2009 bis 2021 war Howell als Geschäftsführer des Weltwirtschaftsforums für dessen Jahrestagung in Davos verantwortlich. Er gründet das Villars Institute, das die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Generationen fördern wird, um den Übergang zu einer Netto-Null-Wirtschaft zu beschleunigen und die Gesundheit unseres Planeten wiederherzustellen.

Björn Witte
Geschäftsführer & CEO, Blue Horizon. Die Firma investiert in ein neues nachhaltiges Nahrungsmittelsystem mit einem durchgängigen Ansatz, der über alternative Proteine hinausgeht – angefangen bei besseren Anbaumethoden bis hin zu nachhaltiger Verpackung und intelligenterem Vertrieb. Witte ist der strategische Denker und Macher von Blue Horizon, der als Unternehmer auf den internationalen Märkten die Lebensmittelindustrie verändert hat.
Datum & Uhrzeit
30. Juni 2021
GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute
8803 Rüschlikon